IMSVidVideoRenderer::SetupMixerBitmap Method

This topic applies to Windows XP or later.
The SetupMixerBitmap method configures the Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) to display an alpha-blended bitmap on top of the video.


HRESULT SetupMixerBitmap(
  [in]  IPictureDisp *pMixerPictureDisp,
  [in]  long Opacity,
  [in]  IMSVidRect *prDest


  • pMixerPictureDisp [in]
    Pointer to an IPictureDisp interface that specifies the bitmap.

  • Opacity [in]
    Specifies the opacity of the bitmap, as an integer from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).

  • prDest [in]
    Pointer to an IMSVidRect interface that specifies the position of the bitmap, relative to the video window.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


Header Declared in Dshow.h.
DLL Requires Quartz.dll.

See Also

IMSVidVideoRenderer Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008