IMpeg2Data::GetStreamOfSections Method

The GetStreamOfSections method starts an ongoing request for specific MPEG-2 table sections.


HRESULT GetStreamOfSections(
  [in]   PID pid,
  [in]   TID tid,
  [in]   PMPEG2_FILTER pFilter,
  [in]   HANDLE hDataReadyEvent,
  [out]  IMpeg2Stream **ppMpegStream


  • pid [in]
    Specifies the packet identifier (PID) of the transport stream packets to examine.

  • tid [in]
    Specifies the table identifier (TID) of the section to retrieve.

  • pFilter [in]
    Optional pointer to an MPEG2_FILTER structure. The caller can use this parameter to exclude packets based on additional MPEG-2 header fields. This parameter can be NULL.

  • hDataReadyEvent [in]
    Handle to an event created by the caller. The filter signals this event whenever it receives new data.

  • ppMpegStream [out]
    Pointer to a variable that receives an IMpeg2Stream interface pointer. The caller must release the interface. Use this interface to retrieve the data when it arrives.

Return Value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include those in the following table.

Return code Description


Invalid argument.


NULL pointer argument.


The method succeeded.


Header Declared in Mpeg2data.h.

See Also

IMpeg2Data Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008