.NET Samples - ASP.NET Web Forms Introduction

This section includes the following samples:

Intro1 Sample

Intro7 Sample

Intro13 Sample

Intro10 Sample

Intro12 Sample

Intro11 Sample

Intro9 Sample

Intro8 Sample

Intro6 Sample

Intro2 Sample

Intro4 Sample

Intro5 Sample

Intro3 Sample

Intro1 Sample

This sample demonstrates the simplest possible ASP.NET page, renaming the .html extension in a basic HTML file to .aspx.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:


Intro7 Sample

This sample shows a simple custom-written calendar control, imported into an ASP.NET page using the Register directive.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Web; System.Collections; System.Collections.Specialized; System.Web.UI

Classes used in this sample:

String; Page; Calendar; Array; TextWriter; Object; HtmlTextWriter; EventArgs; Message; Convert; File; Control; Header; Assembly; EventHandler; NameValueCollection

Intro13 Sample

This sample demonstrates the use of the code-behind method of writing ASP.NET page code.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Web; System.Web.UI; System.Data; System.Web.UI.WebControls; System.Data.SqlClient; System.Web.UI.HtmlControls

Classes used in this sample:

Control; DataBinder; Binder; Page; Container; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; RequiredFieldValidator; SqlConnection; DataAdapter; DropDownList; DataList; EventArgs; WebControl; Object; Table; File; TextBox; HtmlControl

Intro10 Sample

This sample demonstrates a modification of the previous Intro9 sample to customize data information.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

Binder; Container; DataBinder; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; Header; SqlConnection; Import; DataAdapter; Table; File; EventArgs; Object

Intro12 Sample

This sample performs a Page.IsValid check before executing a database lookup on the specified category. ASP.NET page developers can check the Page.IsValid property at run time to determine whether all validation server controls on a page are currently valid.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

Binder; Container; DataBinder; SqlDataAdapter; Import; DataSet; DataAdapter; RequiredFieldValidator; Control; SqlConnection; Page; Object; File; EventArgs; Table

Intro11 Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use two <asp:requiredfieldvalidator runat=server> controls on a page to validate the contents of the TextBox and DropDownList controls.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

Container; DataBinder; Binder; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; DataAdapter; RequiredFieldValidator; Control; SqlConnection; Import; Object; File; EventArgs; Table

Intro9 Sample

This sample demonstrates using the DataList control and a custom ItemTemplate template to customize data information.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

Container; DataBinder; Binder; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; SqlConnection; Import; DataAdapter; Table; File; EventArgs; Object

Intro8 Sample

This sample demonstrates ASP.NET data grid and list controls. These can be used to provide custom UI driven from queries against a database or other data source. This sample demonstrates how an <asp:datagrid runat=server> control can be used to bind book information collected using an SQL database query.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; SqlConnection; Import; DataAdapter; Style; Table; File; DataGrid; Header; EventArgs; Object

Intro6 Sample

This sample demonstrates how an ASP.NET page developer can handle the OnClick event from the <asp:button runat=server> control to manipulate the Text property of the <asp:label runat=server> control.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Message; File; Object; EventArgs

Intro2 Sample

This sample demonstrates how <% %> render blocks can be used to loop over an HTML block (increasing the font size each time).

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:


Intro4 Sample

This sample uses four server controls: <form runat=server>, <asp:textbox runat=server>, <asp:dropdownlist runat=server>, and <asp:button runat=server>. At run time, these server controls automatically generate HTML content.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:


Intro5 Sample

This sample demonstrates how the <asp:adrotator> control can be used to dynamically display rotating ads on a page. In addition to supporting standard HTML input controls, ASP.NET enables developers to use richer custom controls on their pages.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Page; File

Intro3 Sample

This sample demonstrates how <% %> code blocks can be used to interpret results posted back from a client. ASP.NET page developers can use <% %> code blocks to dynamically modify HTML output much as they would with ASP.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

String; Page