ImageUrl Property (Image)

Sets or returns the URL of the image source for the Image control.

public string ImageUrl {


If the URL contains prefix-formatted text, the control generates markup for the target device to display a built-in symbol.

Symbol Formats

The format of the prefix-formatted text for i-mode picture symbols is:


where nnnnn is the decimal picture character code for the symbol.

For example, if the value of the ImageUrl property is symbol:63726, it is emitted as  and rendered on the target device as a heart symbol for i-mode phones. For a list of the picture symbols, see

The format of the prefix-formatted text for J-Phone picture symbols is:


where X is the group picture character G, E, or F, and nnn is the decimal picture character code for the symbol.

The group picture characters and picture character code definitions can be found in the J-Phone specification.


All three carriers use a different mechanism to display picture characters, symbols, and icons.

For i-mode:

You can assign a picture character to one of the shift_jis codepoint. For example, you can assign a symbol for "sunshine" 0xF89F.

For J-Sky:

You can display a picture character with one of the three escape sequences — 0x1B 0x47, 0x1B 0x45, or 0x1B 0x46 — followed by one or more codepoints and ending with 0x0F. For example, you can display a symbol for "sunshine" with 0x1B 0x24 0x47 0x6A ....... 0x0F.

For EzWeb:

You can display a picture character can be displayed with <IMG ICON="xx">, where xx is one of the numbers (base 10) assigned to the picture characters. You must use <IMG ICON="44"> to display "sunshine".

See Also

Image Control

Applies to: Image Class