System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.ApplicationServices Namespace

[WCF RIA Services Version 1 Service Pack 2 is compatible with either .NET framework 4 or .NET Framework 4.5, and with either Silverlight 4 or Silverlight 5.]

Provides classes to use from the client for interacting with an authentication domain service.


  Class Description
Public class AuthenticationDomainContextBase Provides the domain context generated as the base class for providers implementing IAuthentication<T>.
Public class AuthenticationEventArgs Provides event arguments for events raised by the AuthenticationService class.
Public class AuthenticationOperation Provides the base operation type for all the operations supported by AuthenticationService.
Public class AuthenticationResult Provides an abstract base type for all the results returned by End calls for asynchronous operations in AuthenticationService.
Public class AuthenticationService Provides a base class for services that authenticate, load, and save the current user.
Public class FormsAuthentication Provides an authentication service implementation that performs Forms authentication using a DomainContext generated from a domain service implementing the IAuthentication<T> interface.
Public class LoadUserOperation Operation type returned from LoadUser operations on AuthenticationService.
Public class LoadUserResult Represents the result returned from EndLoadUser.
Public class LoginOperation Operation type returned from Login operations on AuthenticationService.
Public class LoginParameters Specifies parameters to authenticate a user in the Login methods on AuthenticationService.
Public class LoginResult Result returned from EndLogin.
Public class LogoutOperation Operation type returned from Logout operations on AuthenticationService.
Public class LogoutResult Represents the result returned from EndLogout.
Public class SaveUserOperation Represents the operation type returned from SaveUser operations on AuthenticationService.
Public class SaveUserResult Represents the result returned from EndSaveUser.
Public class WebAuthenticationService Provides an abstract extension of the AuthenticationService that interacts with a DomainContext generated from a domain service implementing IAuthentication<T>.
Public class WebContextBase Provides context for the application.
Public class WindowsAuthentication Provides an authentication service implementation that performs Windows authentication using a DomainContext generated from a domain service implementing the IAuthentication<T> interface.