Social Listening

Microsoft Dynamics NAV integrates with Microsoft Social Listening and can be made available on customers, vendors, and items. You set up Microsoft Social Listening for a specific record to monitor and collect data based on specific search criteria on different types of social media.

Microsoft Social Listening enables collecting data from social media Web sites defined by specific search criteria. The collected data is presented in charts and graphs, and provides an overview of the positive, negative, or neutral feedback from your customers and users. Collecting this feedback can be an effective way to early discover and address possible issues with the products or services that you offer, and creditors, debtors, and suppliers that your business depends on.

Get started with Microsoft Social Listening by creating a subscription and adding users. For more information, see Get Started with Social Listening.

See Also


How to: Add Social Listening Search Topics
Known Limitations in Microsoft Social Listening


Social Listening Setup Window
Social Listening Search Topic Window


Setting up Social Listening