How to: Edit the Feedback Script

Customer feedback can help you improve your documentation. The core Help includes a documentation feedback feature that customers can use to send an email message to Microsoft. The feedback script, which is included as feedback.js, is part of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Help Server. When you customize Help and use the feedback script, you must modify the script so that email feedback is sent only to you, if the content is wholly yours, or is sent to both you and Microsoft, if you have edited Microsoft content.


When obtaining customer feedback, you should consult with your legal representative to determine if there are any privacy laws with which you must comply.

Editing the Feedback Script

When you author new Help files for your add-in or customization and use the feedback script, you must replace the Microsoft email address and privacy statement in the feedback script with your company's email address and privacy statement.

When you modify the core Help that is provided by Microsoft and use the feedback script, you must append your company's email address and privacy statement to the Microsoft email address and privacy statement.

To edit Feedback.js to use in your Help projects

  1. Open Feedback.js in a text editor, such as Notepad.

  2. Search for the following string:

    sPartner = "MSFT";

  3. Replace MSFT with your company name.

  4. Search for the following string:

    sRecipient = "";

  5. Replace with an appropriate email address for your company.

  6. Search for the following string:


  7. Replace the Microsoft privacy statement with a privacy statement for your company.

  8. Save the file into the Shared folder for your projects.

To edit Feedback.js to use in core Help projects that you have customized

  1. Open Feedback.js in a text editor, such as Notepad.

  2. Search for the following string:

    sPartner = "MSFT";

  3. Append your company name after MSFT. For example, replace "MSFT" with "MSFT++FabrikamCompany".

  4. Search for the following string:

    sRecipient = "";

  5. Add an email address for your company after For example, replace "" with ";".

  6. Search for the following string:

    var L_fbViewPrivacyStatement_Text

  7. Add your company's privacy statement after the Microsoft privacy statement.

  8. Save the file into the Shared folder.

See Also


Copyright Attribution Requirements

Other Resources

Complying with Help Guidelines