LinkPattern Property (ContainerRenderer Object)

LinkPattern Property (ContainerRenderer Object)

Important  The Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.2.1 Rendering objects are not installed by or supported for use with Exchange Server 2003 or later.

The LinkPattern property returns or sets a rendering source that determines how a link in a table row is rendered. Read/write.



Data Type



The LinkPattern property supplies rendering information for a link to the object represented in a row of a table view. This link should normally use the complete HTTP syntax.

In a calendar view, a link is rendered from each AppointmentItem object to its related appointment form. The link is rendered on a nonblank property such as Location or Subject, or on StartTime if no other nonblank property can be found on the appointment.

The CDO Rendering Library generates a link for exactly one cell in each row of a table. It attempts to link the cell in the first column that represents a nonempty string property other than the message class. If no such column can be found, the last cell in the row is linked.

The LinkPattern property determines the appearance of the link in the HTML output. The following table shows which substitution tokens can be used. Note that their interpretations are not the same as those for either a columns RenderUsing property or a patterns RenderUsing property.

Substitution token

Attribute of object being linked


A special-purpose format with the name classpath for rendering a message objects message class.


The objects unique identifier, expressed as a hexadecimal string.


The objects index in its containing table.


Any user-defined or system-defined named format.

Setting LinkPattern generates a Format object with the name message_Link and adds it to the container renderers Formats collection. This named format is for internal use only. You should always use the combination of Render and LinkPattern to render any link.

See Also


ContainerRenderer Object