Patterns Property (Format Object)

Patterns Property (Format Object)

Important  The Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.2.1 Rendering objects are not installed by or supported for use with Exchange Server 2003 or later.

The Patterns property returns a single Pattern object or a Patterns collection belonging to this format. Read-only.


Set objPatterns = objFormat.Patterns

Set objPattern = objFormat.Patterns(index)


Object. The Patterns collection of this format.


Required. The Format object.


Object. An individual Pattern object belonging to this formats Patterns collection.


Integer. An index into the formats Patterns collection.

Data Type

Object (Pattern or Patterns collection)


Each pattern in the collection specifies rendering for a particular set of values of the property represented by the Format object.

If a Pattern object is to be accessed with the index parameter, the value of index must be between 1 and the size of the formats Patterns collection. This size is available in the collections Count property.

Although the Patterns property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add method, and the properties on its member Pattern objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.

See Also


Format Object