IHTMLStyle7::pointerEvents Property

New for Windows Internet Explorer 9

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Gets or sets a value that specifies under what circumstances a given graphics element can be the target element for a pointer event in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).


HRESULT IHTMLStyle7::get_pointerEvents(BSTR *p);
HRESULT IHTMLStyle7::put_pointerEvents(BSTR v);


  • p
    Pointer to a variable of type BSTR that receives one of the values listed in Possible Values.
  • v
    BSTR that specifies one of the values listed in Possible Values.

Possible Values

visiblePainted Default. The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the IHTMLStyle::visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over a painted area. The pointer is over a painted area if it is over the interior (that is, fill) of the element and the IHTMLStyle7::fill property has an actual value other than none or it is over the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element and the IHTMLStyle7::stroke property is set to a value other than none.
visibleFill The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the IHTMLStyle::visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over the interior (that is, fill) of the element. The value of the IHTMLStyle7::fill property does not affect event processing.
visibleStroke The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the IHTMLStyle::visibility property is set to visible and when the pointer is over the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element. The value of the IHTMLStyle7::stroke property does not affect event processing.
visible The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the IHTMLStyle::visibility property is set to visible and the pointer is over either the interior (that is, fill) or the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element. The values of the IHTMLStyle7::fill and IHTMLStyle7::stroke do not affect event processing.
painted The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the pointer is over a painted area. The pointer is over a painted area if it is over the interior (that is, fill) of the element and the IHTMLStyle7::fill property has an actual value other than none or it is over the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element and the IHTMLStyle7::stroke property has an actual value other than none. The value of the IHTMLStyle::visibility property does not effect event processing.
fill The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the pointer is over the interior (that is, fill) of the element. The values of the IHTMLStyle7::fill and IHTMLStyle::visibility properties do not affect event processing.
stroke The given element can be the target element for pointer events when the pointer is over the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element. The values of the IHTMLStyle7::stroke and IHTMLStyle::visibility properties do not affect event processing.
all The given element can be the target element for pointer events whenever the pointer is over either the interior (that is, fill) or the perimeter (that is, stroke) of the element. The values of the IHTMLStyle7::fill, IHTMLStyle7::stroke and IHTMLStyle::visibility properties do not affect event processing.
none The given element does not receive pointer events.
inherit A value that indicates that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


The IHTMLStyle7::pointerEvents property affects the circumstances under which the following are processed:

  • User interface events, such as mouse clicks
  • Dynamic pseudo-classes (that is, :hover, :active, and :focus)
  • Hyperlinks (that is, the a element)