CreateLayer Method

Creates a new editing context layer. Editing context layers can be used to create editing modes. For example, you may create a layer before starting a drag operation on the designer. Any new context items you add to the layer hide context items underneath it. When the layer is removed, all context items under the layer are re-surfaced. This allows you to create a layer and set overrides for context items during operations such as drag and drop.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Data.Tools.Design.Core.Context
Assembly:  Microsoft.Data.Tools.Design.Core (in Microsoft.Data.Tools.Design.Core.dll)


Public MustOverride Function CreateLayer As ContextLayer
Dim instance As ContextItemCollection
Dim returnValue As ContextLayer

returnValue = instance.CreateLayer()
public abstract ContextLayer CreateLayer()
virtual ContextLayer^ CreateLayer() abstract
abstract CreateLayer : unit -> ContextLayer 
public abstract function CreateLayer() : ContextLayer

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.Data.Tools.Design.Core.Context..::..ContextLayer
A new context layer.

See Also


ContextItemCollection Class

Microsoft.Data.Tools.Design.Core.Context Namespace