Logs an event associated with creating an allocation.


  EVENT_TRACE_HEADER          wmiTraceHeader;
  ULONGLONG                   hProcessId;
  ULONGLONG                   hDevice;
  ULONGLONG                   pDxgAdapter;
  ULONGLONG                   allocSize;
  ULONG                       ulAlignment;
  DWORD                       dwReadSegment;
  DWORD                       dwWriteSegment;
  DXGKETW_HINTEDBANK          HintedBank;
  DWORD                       dwEvictionSegment;
  ULONG                       Priority;
  ULONGLONG                   hVidMmGlobalAlloc;
  ULONGLONG                   hDxgGlobalAlloc;
  ULONGLONG                   hDxgSharedResource;


  • wmiTraceHeader
    A value of type EVENT_TRACE_HEADER that is used to report events to the WMI event logger.

  • hProcessId
    [in] The process identifier (PID) of the process that creates the device object, a PDO, that is a child of the display adapter. This PID is needed because this event is used to report preexisting allocations.

  • hDevice
    [in] A handle to the display device (that is, the graphics context) that is created.

  • pDxgAdapter
    [in] A pointer to a block of memory for the graphics adapter that the device context is created on. This pointer identifies the adapter for kernel-mode creation.

  • Flags
    [in] A DXGKETW_ALLOCATIONFLAGS structure that identifies properties for an allocation in bit-field flags. These properties indicate the type of allocation to create.

  • allocSize
    [in] The size, in bytes, that is required for the allocation.

  • ulAlignment
    [in] The required alignment, in bytes, for the allocation.

  • dwReadSegment
    [out] A segment identifier that the display miniport driver can set in the PreferredSegment member for read operations. The segment that this identifier indicates is a segment that the display miniport driver requests that the video memory manager use to page in the allocation for read operations, regardless of performance.

    The display miniport driver can set preferences only for a segment that is supported for read operations. The video memory manager asserts if the driver attempts to set preferences for an unsupported segment in the PreferredSegment member.

  • dwWriteSegment
    [out] A segment identifier that the display miniport driver can set in the PreferredSegment member for write operations. The segment that this identifier indicates is a segment that the display miniport driver requests that the video memory manager use to page in the allocation for write operations, regardless of performance.

    The display miniport driver can set preferences only for a segment that is supported for write operations. The video memory manager asserts if the driver attempts to set preferences for an unsupported segment in the PreferredSegment member.

  • PreferredSegment
    [in] A DXGKETW_PREFERREDSEGMENT structure that indicates the preferred segment identifiers that the display miniport driver requests to page in the allocation.

  • HintedBank
    [in] A DXGKETW_HINTEDBANK structure that indicates the bank ordering preferences that the display miniport driver requests to page in the allocation.

  • dwEvictionSegment
    [in] An identifier of a segment that can be used for eviction.

    Only an aperture segment can be specified by this member. If the driver specifies a valid segment to be used for eviction, the video memory manager attempts to allocate resources in that aperture segment to accelerate the eviction process.

  • Priority
    [in] The starting priority level of the allocation.

  • hVidMmGlobalAlloc
    [in] A handle to the allocation created by the video memory manager.

  • hDxgGlobalAlloc
    [in] A handle to the allocation created by the DirectX graphics kernel subsystem.

  • hDxgSharedResource
    [in] A handle to the shared resource created by the DirectX graphics kernel subsystem.

  • Hint
    [in] A DXGKETW_ALLOCATIONUSAGEHINT structure that identifies allocation usage and version information that is used as a hint about how to use an allocation.


The display miniport driver specifies these flags for the video memory manager in the DXGKARGCB_CREATECONTEXTALLOCATION structure.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 Release Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012


Dxetwevt.h (include Dxetwevt.h)

See also









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Build date: 7/11/2012