createElement method

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Creates an instance of the element for the specified tag.

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification, Section 1.4


IHTMLElement retVal = object.createElement(eTag);

Standards information


  • eTag [in]
    Type: BSTR

    A BSTR that specifies the name of an element.


Attributes can be included with the eTag as long as the entire string is valid HTML.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, the only new elements you can create are img, area, and option. As of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, you can create all elements programmatically, except frame and iframe. The properties of these created elements are read/write and can be accessed programmatically. Before you use new objects, you must explicitly add them to their respective collections or to the document. To insert new elements into the current document, use the insertBefore method or the appendChild method.

See also





About the W3C Document Object Model



Build date: 1/25/2012