msBoxFlex property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the width or height of a child element is flexible based on the space available in the object. This value also indicates the proportion of space available that is allocated to the child element.

This property is read/write.

Flexible Box Layout Module, Section 5Internet Explorer 10


HRESULT put_msBoxFlex(
  [in]           BSTR v

HRESULT get_msBoxFlex(
  [out, retval]  BSTR *p

Property values

Type: BSTR

A floating point value that indicates the relative flexibility of a child element.

A value of 0.0 indicates the element is not flexible. Any other value indicates the relative flexiblity of the child element compared to the flexibility of other child elements.

A negative value is not valid.

String format


CSS information

Applies To in-flow children of box elements
Media visual
Inherited no
Initial Value 0.0

Standards information


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 Consumer Preview with SP1

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 8 Beta









Build date: 1/23/2012