IIS Smooth Streaming Client Manifest - SmoothStreamingMedia Element

Specifies metadata for this Smooth Streaming media presentation.


Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.





(Required) Specifies the Client Manifest Major Version.


(Required)Specifies the Client Manifest Minor Version.


(Optional) Specifies timescale for the entire presentation as a number of unites that pass in one second. The recommended value is 10,000,000 which maps to increments of 100ns. 10,000,000 is the default if this attribute is omitted.


(Required) Specifies overall presentation duration of the media in increments of the TimeScale attribute. Duration should be set to 0 for live presentations whose approximate duration is not known in advance.


(Optional) Specifies when the attribute value is, "true" (case-insensitive) that this manifest describes a live presentation that is still in progress. When this attribute is set to "true" the duration is interpreted as an approximation, and it is permissible for the presentation to end before or after the expected duration (for instance, if a sports event goes into "overtime"). For On-Demand presentations, this attribute should be omitted.


(Optional) Specifies the number of fragments in a lookahead.


(Optional) Specifies the length of the trailing window for a 24/7 broadcast.

Child Elements




Specifies the metadata for one type of track (audio, video, or text).


Container for content protection playback info.

Parent Elements



The following is an example of a Live Server Manifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SmoothStreamingMedia MajorVersion="2" 
      MinorVersion="0" Duration="2300000000" TimeScale="10000000">
       <Attribute Name = "timeScaleZeroPoint" Value = "..." />
      <ProtectionHeader SystemID="{9A04F079-9840-4286-AB92E65BE0885F95}">
      Base-64 Encoded Data
   <!-- <StreamIndex Type="video"> 
         describes the video streams available at each quality level-->
     Type = "video"
     Chunks = "115"
     QualityLevels = "6"
     MaxWidth = "720"
     MaxHeight = "480"
      Name = "video">
     <QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="1536000" FourCC="WVC1" 
        MaxWidth="720" MaxHeight="480"
        CodecPrivateData = "270000010FCBEE1670EF8A16783BF180C9089CC4AFA11C0000010E1207F840" > 
            <Attribute Name = "hardwareProfile" Value = "10000" />
      <QualityLevel Index="1" Bitrate="1536000" FourCC="WVC1"    
                    MaxWidth="720" MaxHeight="480" 
                    CodecPrivateData = "270000010FCBEE1670EF8A16783BF180C9089CC4AFA11C0000010E1207F840" > 
            <Attribute Name = "hardwareProfile" Value = "1000" />
      <QualityLevel Index="2" Bitrate="1024000" FourCC="WVC1" 
         MaxWidth="720" MaxHeight="480"
         CodecPrivateData = "270000010FCBEE1670EF8A16783BF180C9089CC4AFA11C0000010E1207F840"> 
            <Attribute Name = "hardwareProfile" Value = "1000" />
   <!-- Additional quality levels, up to a total of ‘QualityLevels’     
        attribute, last one below -->
      <QualityLevel Index="5" Bitrate="307200" FourCC="WVC1" 
         MaxWidth="720" MaxHeight="480" 
         CodecPrivateData = "270000010FCBEE1670EF8A16783BF180C9089CC4AFA11C0000010E1207F840"> 
            <Attribute Name = "hardwareProfile" Value = "1000" />
      <!-- fragment boundary definitions: specify the duration of
           each fragment in TimeScale increments (default is 100nsec) -->
       <c n="0" d="19680000"> 
       <!-- fragment boundary definitions: specify the duration
            of each fragment in TimeScale increments (default is    
            100nsec) -->
                   <f i="0" s="1525" q="2122"/> 
                   <f i="1" s="1406" q="1640"/> 
                   <f i="2" s="1217" q="875"/> 
                   <f i="3" s="1107" q="1428"/> 
                   <f i="4" s="607" q="928"/> 
                   <f i="5" s="407" q="428"/>
      <c n="1" d="8980000"> 
                   <f i="0" s="1525" q="2122"/> 
                   <f i="1" s="1406" q="1640"/>
                   <f i="2" s="1217" q="875"/>
                   <f i="3" s="1107" q="1428"/>
                   <f i="4" s="607" q="928"/>
                  <f i="5" s="407" q="428"/>
      ... <!-- fragment definitions omitted -->
      <c n="114" d="50680000"> 
                   <f i="0" s="1525" q="2122"/> 
                   <f i="1" s="1406" q="1640"/> 
                   <f i="2" s="1217" q="875"/> 
                   <f i="3" s="1107" q="1428"/> 
                   <f i="4" s="607" q="928"/> 
                   <f i="5" s="407" q="428"/> 
      <!-- end fragment definitions -->
<!-- a stream of pictures designed to provide film-strip navigation
    (Zoetrope) around the presentation -->
  Type = "video" 
  ParentStreamIndex = "video"
  Subtype = "ZOET" 
  FourCC = "JPEG"
  MaxWidth = "100"
  MaxHeight = "100"
  Url = "QualityLevels({bitrate})/Fragments(zoetrope={start_time})" 
  <QualityLevel Index = "0" Bitrate = "0" />
  <!-- this data is much sparser - every 10 seconds or so -->
  <c t = "0"/>
  <c t = "100000000" />
  <c t = "200000000" />
  <!-- additional data omitted for clarity -->

<StreamIndex Type = "text" ParentStreamIndex = "video" 
   ManifestOutput = "true" Subtype = "CTRL" 
   Url = "QualityLevels({bitrate})/Fragments(control={start_time})" 
   Name = "control">
   <QualityLevel Index = "0" Bitrate = "0" />
   <c t = "0">
    <!-- data is a Base64-encoded version of:
    <AdInsert Type = "midroll" Duration = "30s" Time = "250000000"/>-->
      <f i = "0"> PEFkSW5zZXJ0IFR5cGUgPSAibWlkcm9sbCIgRHVyYXRpb24gPSAiMzBzIiBUaW1l
   <!-- <StreamIndex Type="audio"> describes the audio streams 
     available at each bitrate-->

   Type = "audio"
   Chunks = "147"
   Language = "eng"
   QualityLevels = "1"
   Url = "QualityLevels({bitrate},{CustomAttributes})/Fragments(audio={start_time})" 

   <QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="94208" FourCC="WMA2"   
       SamplingRate="48000" Channels="2" BitsPerSample="16"
       PacketSize="1115" HardwareProfile="1000"
       CodecPrivateData= 6101020044AC0000853E00009D0B10000A00008800000F0000000000"/>

   <!-- fragment boundary definitions: specify the duration of
        each fragment in TimeScale increments -->
   <c n="0" d="18770000"><f i="0" s="45"/></c>
   <c n="1" d="18840000"><f i="0" s="41"/></c>
   <c n="146" d="9290000"><f i="0" s="41"/></c>
   <!-- end fragment boundary definitions -->

   <!-- Additional audio and video feeds can be made available by
     adding <StreamIndex Type="audio" Name="..."> and 
       <StreamIndex Type="video" Name="...">
     tags to this manifest and adding an additional Name attribute 
     that discriminates for the default video/audio feed. E.g.:
       <StreamIndex Type="video" Name="alternate-angle"> ... 

<!-- specifies a script-stream [Type="Text" Subtype="SCMD"]
The absence of a Url attribute and presence of a <Content    >
element indicates that the content is embedded in the manifest
rather than requested in fragments from the server
<StreamIndex Type="text" Subtype="CAPT" Name="captions ">
   <QualityLevel Index = "0" FourCC = "DFXP" />
   <c t = "0" />
   <c t = "20000000" />
   <c t = "40000000" />
   <!-- additional fragments omitted for clarity -->

<StreamIndex Type="text" Subtype="SCMD" Language="en-us" 
   TimeScale="10000000" >
      <ScriptCommand Time="REFERENCE_TIME" 
         Type="Some string" Command="some string"/> 
      <ScriptCommand Time="REFERENCE_TIME2" 
         Type="Some string2" Command="some string2"/> 

<!-- specifies markers/chapters [Type="Text" Subtype="CHAP"]
The absence of a Url attribute and presence of a <Content    >
element indicates that the content is embedded in the manifest
rather than requested in fragments from the server

<StreamIndex Type="text" Subtype="CHAP" Language="eng" 
      <Marker Time="REFERENCE_TIME" Value="some string" />
      <Marker Time="REFERENCE_TIME" Value="some string" />

See Also


IIS Smooth Streaming Client Manifest Format