Manifest Merge

The ManifestMerge event provides an option to add information to the client manifest that is used by a Smooth Streaming application. The data obtained by this process becomes an integral part of the client manifest and is available for use as defined by the application. The ManifestMerge event occurs before the MediaOpened event and supports methods that obtain and merge information from other sources. This is useful for situations in which the manifest is inaccessible for editing or if some information depends on locale, style, or other factors that would make the manifest too large or too slow to load if all the options were included.


The examples in this topic extend features demonstrated in other topics in Microsoft Smooth Streaming Client 2.0.


To use the ManifestMerge event, assign a delegate as shown in the following example.

  SmoothPlayer.ManifestMerge += 
    new SmoothStreamingMediaElement.ManifestMergeHandler(SmoothPlayer_ManifestMerge);

The following implementation of the SmoothPlayer_ManifestMerge delegate includes options to load supplementary manifest data from sources represented by the variable mediaSelection, which is an integer assigned when the source is selected. The methods that load the new data are discussed under the headings "ParseExternalManifest" and "MergeExternalManifest," which follow the code snippet. This example can load manifest data from two sources and initialized the objects parsedExternManifest and parsedExternManifest2.

    void SmoothPlayer_ManifestMerge(SmoothStreamingMediaElement ssme)
        // Out parameter for ParseExternalManifest function.
        object parsedExternManifest = null;
        object parsedExternManifest2 = null;

            if (mediaSelection.Equals(0))
                Uri uriExtManifest = new Uri("http://<serverName>/BigBuckBunnyCaptions.xml");
                SmoothPlayer.ParseExternalManifest(uriExtManifest, 3000, out parsedExternManifest);

            if (mediaSelection.Equals(1))
                Uri uriExtManifest = new Uri("http://win-qkkwoqg5tnd/AdrenalineRush.xml");
                SmoothPlayer.ParseExternalManifest(uriExtManifest, 3000, out parsedExternManifest);

                Uri uriExtManifest2 = new Uri("http://<serverName>/AdrenalineRushCaptions.xml");
                SmoothPlayer.ParseExternalManifest(uriExtManifest2, 3000, out parsedExternManifest2);
        catch(Exception ex )
            OutputText.Text = ex.Message + " Inner Exception: " + ex.InnerException;


Applications can call ParseExternalManifest only from the ManifestMerge event handler. Outside the scope of the method ParseExternalManifest, applications will throw an InvalidOperationException.

The ParseExternalManifest method reads XML data from a source identified by the first parameter. To avoid application blocking, the second parameter sets a time-out interval in milliseconds. The third parameter is an out parameter that returns the parsed manifest data.

// Out parameter for function.
  Uri uriExtManifest = new 
    SmoothPlayer.ParseExternalManifest(uriExtManifest, 3000, out parsedExternManifest);


Applications can call MergeExternalManifest only from the ManifestMerge event handler. Outside the scope of the method Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.SmoothStreamingMediaElement.MergeExternalManifest(System.Object),applications will throw an InvalidOperationException.

The MergeExternalManifest method integrates data in the client manifest with new XML data identified by the first parameter, which is the parsed data obtained from a previous call to ParseExternalManifest.


Supplementary Manifest Data

The data to be merged during the ManifestMerge event must be formatted as an XML StreamIndex element, which can be defined as needed for application use. For example, the following supplementary data defines captions for display at timed intervals while the media stream plays. As in the original client manifest, an XML <SmoothStreamingMedia> element contains the data. In this case the data in the supplementary <StreamIndex> element is a list of captions. XML c elements contain each data fragment with number n and timestamp t attributes. As in the client manifest, the data fragments f are formatted as base64 strings. For more information about how to format base64 strings, see Encoding Class.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Created with Expression Encoder version 3.0.1332.0-->

  <StreamIndex Type="text" Name="ClosedCaptions" Subtype="CAPT" TimeScale="10000000"
               ParentStreamIndex="video" ManifestOutput="TRUE" QualityLevels="1"
               Chunks="18" Url="QualityLevels({bitrate}, 
               {CustomAttributes})/Fragments (ClosedCaptions={start time})">

    <QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="1000" CodecPrivateData="" FourCC="" />

    <c n="0" t="600000000">
    <c n="1" t="660000000">
    <c n="2" t="1200000000">
    <c n="3" t="1260000000">
    <c n="4" t="1740000000">
    <c n="5" t="1760000000">
    <c n="6" t="2400000000">
    <c n="7" t="2440000000">
    <c n="8" t="3000000000">
    <c n="9" t="3060000000">
    <c n="10" t="3580000000">
    <c n="11" t="3620000000">
    <c n="12" t="4180000000">
    <c n="13" t="4220000000">
    <c n="14" t="4780000000">
    <c n="15" t="4820000000">
    <c n="16" t="5380000000">
    <c n="17" t="5420000000">


Application use of Data from ManifestMerge

The captions from the preceding example are merged with the client manifest during the ManifestMerge event. The application uses captions with the ADD attribute to display captions and those with the REMOVE attribute to remove captions during playback of the media stream. Each fragment f of the data, after decoding, contains an XML element of the following type.

  <Caption Id="111" Action="ADD">Chapter One</Caption>
  <Caption Id="111" Action="REMOVE">Chapter One</Caption>

The Caption element includes Id and Action attributes and specifies the caption text, in this case "Chapter One." The timestamp t attribute of each content chunk c specifies when to display the caption.

The supplementary manifest implemented above will be merged during the ManifestMerge event. The new merged manifest will contain <StreamIndex> data of Type="text" and Name="ClosedCaptions." The captions will be synchronized to the timing of the video stream by the attribute assignment: ParentStreamIndex="video", which means that the timestamp t attributes of the merged <StreamIndex> element correspond to the timestamp attributes of the video StreamIndex. The data in sparse streams is not contiguous but is found at distinct locations in the stream and must be keyed to the video stream.

Initialize Markers

The merged manifest data is shown in the following XML example. This data must be added to the Markers collection. Each member of the collection is a TimeLineMarker object that will raise the MarkerReached event. The following <StreamIndex> data was merged into the client manifest in the ManifestMerge delegate as described in ManifestMerge.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <StreamIndex Type="text" Name="MARKERS" 
    Subtype="CHAPTER" TimeScale="10000000" ParentStreamIndex="video" ManifestOutput="TRUE"     QualityLevels="1" 
    Url="QualityLevels({bitrate},   {CustomAttributes})/Fragments(MARKERS={start time})">
    <QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="1000" CodecPrivateData="" FourCC=""/>
    <c n="0" t="40870000">
    <c n="1" t="192690000">
    <c n="2" t="410410000">
    <c n="3" t="621450000">
    <c n="4" t="680680000">
    <c n="5" t="782030000">
    <c n="6" t="888800000">
    <c n="7" t="980560000">
    <c n="8" t="1042290000">

After the markers specified in the previous XML are merged into the manifest, the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.SmoothStreamingMediaElement.AvailableStreams property of the SmoothStreamingMediaElement contains StreamInfo objects that correspond to <StreamIndex> elements in the manifest.

The following MediaOpened event handler parses the data contained by the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.SmoothStreamingMediaElement.AvailableStreams property. This code identifies the stream that contains the markers by the stream type and attributes. The stream containing the markers is a System.Windows.Media.MediaStreamType.Script object, which is not included in by default in SelectedStreams. It must be selected by calling SelectStreamsAsync.

The next step is to get the marker data from a TrackInfo object that contains the ChunkInfo data from which Timeline Marker objects can be initialized. The Timeline Marker class is from the System.Windows.Media class as used by Silverlight.

The following code calls BeginGetChunk. with an AsyncCallback, name AddMarkers, that will extract the data from each chunk.

void SmoothPlayer_MediaOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        foreach (SegmentInfo segmentInfo in SmoothPlayer.ManifestInfo.Segments)
            List<StreamInfo> selectStreams = segmentInfo.SelectedStreams.ToList<StreamInfo>();
            foreach (StreamInfo streamInfo in segmentInfo.AvailableStreams)
                if (streamInfo.Type == System.Windows.Media.MediaStreamType.Script)
                    if (streamInfo.Attributes["Name"] == "ClosedCaptions" ||
                                            streamInfo.Attributes["Name"] == "MARKERS")

                        foreach (TrackInfo trackInfo in streamInfo.SelectedTracks)
                            foreach (ChunkInfo chunk in streamInfo.ChunkList.ToList<ChunkInfo>())
                                IAsyncResult ar =
                                    chunk.TimeStamp, new AsyncCallback(AddMarkers), streamInfo.UniqueId);

After the following code runs, the markers will raise the MarkerReached event. The markers can be enumerated from the Markers collection.

    private void AddMarkers(IAsyncResult argAR)
        if (!Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => AddMarkers(argAR));

        foreach (SegmentInfo segmentInfo in SmoothPlayer.ManifestInfo.Segments)
            foreach (StreamInfo streamInfo in segmentInfo.SelectedStreams)
                if (streamInfo.UniqueId == ((string)argAR.AsyncState))

                    List<ChunkInfo> markerChunks = streamInfo.ChunkList.ToList<ChunkInfo>();

                    foreach (TrackInfo trackInfo in streamInfo.SelectedTracks)
                        ChunkResult chunkResult = trackInfo.EndGetChunk(argAR);

                        if (chunkResult.Result == ChunkResult.ChunkResultState.Succeeded)
                            System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                            int length = (int)chunkResult.ChunkData.Length;
                            byte[] rawData = new byte[length];
                            chunkResult.ChunkData.Read(rawData, 0, length);
                            String text = enc.GetString(rawData, 0, rawData.Length);
                            TimelineMarker newMarker = new TimelineMarker();
                            newMarker.Text = text;
                            newMarker.Time = chunkResult.Timestamp;



Applications should parse the manifest for markers during the MediaOpened event, but not earlier. Specifically, applications should not parse the manifest during the ManifestReady event, because all markers set before MediaOpened are erased in Silverlight during MediaOpened.

For more information, see Timeline Markers and Events.


The merged Caption marker elements will raise the MarkerReached event. The following code assigns a delegate to handle the event.

  SmoothPlayer.MarkerReached +=

The data from each Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.TimelineEvent is accessible from the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs parameter of the MarkerReached delegate. To get the data from the base64 encoded string, use the Encoding class method GetString on the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.TimelineEvent.EventData property from the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs. The data, as described above, is of the form <Caption Id="111" Action="ADD">Chapter One</Caption>.

Each Caption element specifies either ADD or REMOVE by its Action attribute. When the value specifies the ADD action, the code creates a new text block for the caption and formats the text. Adding the new text block to the LayoutRoot displays the caption.

If the value of the Action attribute specifies REMOVE, another code block removes the Caption identified by the Id attribute value set when it was created. Any previous captions that remain because of out-of-sequence movements through the stream are identified by Tag="Caption" so that they can be removed before new captions are displayed.

The following code implements the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming.SmoothStreamingMediaElement.TimelineEventReached delegate.

    void SmoothPlayer_MarkerReached(object sender, TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs e)
        OutputText.Text = e.Marker.Text; // Display the marker text.

            if (e.Marker.Text != "" && e.Marker.Text.Contains("Caption"))
                // base64 decode the content and load the XML fragment.
                XElement xElem = XElement.Parse(e.Marker.Text);

                // Add a caption.
                if (xElem.Attribute("Action") != null && xElem.Attribute("Action").Value == "ADD")
                    // Remove any previous caption from display.
                          Where((uie) => uie is FrameworkElement &&
                          (uie as FrameworkElement).Tag == "Caption").
                          FirstOrDefault() as UIElement);

                    // Add a TextBlock 
                    LayoutRoot.Children.Add(new TextBlock()
                        Name = xElem.Attribute("Id").Value,
                        Text = xElem.Value,
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                        Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 20),
                        Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Tag = "Caption"
                // Remove a caption by Id.
                if (xElem.Attribute("Action") != null &&
                    xElem.Attribute("Action").Value == "REMOVE")
                    // Remove the TextBlock that contians the caption.
                      Where((uie) => uie is FrameworkElement &&
                        (uie as FrameworkElement).Name == (xElem.Attribute("Id").Value)).
                        FirstOrDefault() as UIElement);

                    if (e.Marker.Text.Contains("Inserted Clip Next.")
                          && InsertClipCheckbox.IsChecked.Value == true)
                    // Remove any remaining caption from display.
                          Where((uie) => uie is FrameworkElement &&
                          (uie as FrameworkElement).Tag == "Caption").
                          FirstOrDefault() as UIElement);

                    SmoothPlayer.ScheduleClip(clips[0], false, SmoothPlayer);

        catch (Exception ex)
            OutputText.Text = ex.Message + " Inner exception: " + ex.InnerException;


For more information, see Timeline Markers and Events.

See Also


Microsoft Smooth Streaming Client 2.0

Timeline Markers and Events