Using interactive mode

Interactive mode allows you to interact with your app as you continue to work on it.

Using interactive mode to style your app

Although Blend for Visual Studio 2012 uses familiar web development technologies, app development is different from web development in that an app tends to have a much higher degree of interactivity than a web page This interactivity, which comes from JavaScript, generates many different states as users interact with the app. A significant challenge for app developers is designing the app in a particular state that can only be reached through user interaction, such as clicking a button. Previously, the only way to style an interactive object was to compile the app and run it, then adjust the object parameters in code, recompile and run the app again, repeating the cycle until the object style was correct.

Blend provides a unique solution to this iterative design problem. Instead of requiring a developer to exit the design surface, Interactive Mode in Blend lets the developer run the app on the design surface until a particular state is reached. The designer can then pause the app, and then continue to style the app in the new state.

interactive mode

To turn on Interactive Mode

  • Click Interactive mode button or press Ctrl+Alt+I.

See Also


Related documents view (HTML)


Blend workspace (Windows Store apps)

Blend app workspace (HTML)

Artboard (HTML)

Assets panel (HTML)

CSS Properties panel (HTML)

Device panel (HTML)

HTML Attributes panel

Live DOM panel (HTML)

Projects panel (HTML)

Style Rules panel (HTML)

Tools panel (HTML)