Tools panel (HTML)

You can use the Tools panel to create and modify HTML elements in your application. You can add new elements to the artboard by selecting a tool from the Assets panel and then dragging it onto the artboard with your mouse. You can also change the objects on the artboard by using adorners, or you can modify their properties in the CSS Properties panel.

The Tools panel as it appears when you work on a Windows Store app built using HTML

Tools panel


Selection tools   Use to select elements. The Direct Selection tool is used to select nested elements.


View tools   Use to adjust the view of the artboard, such as panning and zooming.


Asset tools   Use to access the Assets panel and to show the most recently used asset from the library.

For more information, see Assets panel (HTML).

See Also


Related documents view (HTML)


Areas of the workspace (Windows Store apps)

Blend app workspace (HTML)

Assets panel (HTML)

CSS Properties panel (HTML)

Design surface (HTML)

Device panel (HTML)

HTML Attributes panel

Interactive mode (HTML)

Live DOM panel (HTML)

Projects panel (HTML)

Style Rules panel (HTML)