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Estimate route costs

Estimate the route cost based on fuel consumption and price

  1. On the Route menu, click Route options, and then click the Fuel tab.

  2. In the boxes next to City, first select the unit of fuel consumption (liters per 100 kilometers, liters per 10 kilometers, miles per U.S. gallon, or miles per U.K. gallon), and then type the number of liters or miles your vehicle gets per unit.

  3. In the box next to Highway, type the number of miles per U.S. gallon (or liters per 100 kilometers, liters per 10 kilometers, or miles per U.K. gallon) your vehicle gets.

  4. Click the Costs tab.

  5. Click Calculate driving costs based on fuel price.

  6. In the boxes next to Fuel price, first select the unit base for fuel (per liter, per U.S. gallon, or per U.K. gallon), and then type the average amount you will pay for fuel.

    Note   Be sure to consider regional price differences.

  7. Click OK.

Estimate the route cost based on fixed costs

  1. On the Route menu, click Route options, and then click the Costs tab.

  2. Select Calculate driving costs based on fixed rate, and then type the fixed cost.

  3. Click OK.

Note   If you already have directions for a route, MapPoint automatically recalculates the estimated costs based on your changes. The costs appear in the Summary section of the Directions pane. If you haven't created a route yet, MapPoint uses these settings the next time you create a route.

Tip   If you calculate routes for different vehicles, create a map template for each vehicle that includes applicable fuel consumption and route cost estimates.

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