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Directions pane

The Directions pane displays the turn-by-turn driving directions for, and summary information about, your calculated route. You can show or hide the Directions pane, in addition to changing what information is displayed and how it is displayed.

The pane provides specific directions for completing your route, such as cardinal directions (north, south, east, west), turns, navigating roundabouts, merging onto highways and freeways, and continuing past major intersections or exits on limited-access roads and freeways.

Directions pane

The driving directions also include notices about situations that may affect your travel. In addition, you may receive a message to take a suggested action under certain circumstances.




*Check timetable*

This ferry operates on a schedule.

*Gate access required*

Travel on this road requires passing through a gate that has restricted access.

*Toll road*

Travel on this road requires payment of one or more tolls.


Continued travel on this road requires stopping at this tollbooth.

*Turn potentially restricted*

This turn is restricted during certain times of the day (for example, peak traffic hours).



You will receive this message

Your route changes

"Route has changed. Click this line to get directions." (This message replaces the driving directions.)

Significant time has passed since you downloaded highway construction information from the Web

"Highway construction information is out of date. Click this line to update." (This message appears in the directions.)

You add a stop to your route that is in a different time zone than the starting point

"Check your departure time; the next stop is in a different time zone." (This message appears before the departure direction.)

The last stop for the day is in a different time zone than the previous stop

"Check local time; this stop is in a different time zone." (This message appears before the last stop in the directions.)


  • If you start the navigation feature after creating a route, the Directions pane is closed automatically to create more room for the map. To have both the Navigation pane and the Directions pane open, on the Route menu, click Directions to reopen the pane.

  • When you click an individual instruction in the Directions pane, that segment of the route is highlighted in a different color on the map.

  • If an individual instruction has the *Turn potentially restricted* warning, you may want to create a detour area around that intersection and get directions again.

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