How to: Zoom in on a Region of the Graph

After a load test has completed, use the zoom bar under the graphs to zoom in and scroll to a region of the graph. By zooming in, you can examine the finer details of the data that was generated during a load test run. You can also view the graphs of any load test run that you have previously saved through export.


Zoom in is only available in the Load Test Analyzer. For more information, see Deleted: Working with the Load Test Monitor and Analyzer.

Zoom and scroll a region of the graph

  1. Run a load test to completion.

    For more information, see How to: Run a Load Test.

  2. Click Yes at the end of the load test run when the dialog box that asking you to view results from the Load Test Results Store appears.

    - or -

    View the details of a previous load test. For more information, see Deleted: How to: View a Previous Load Test Run.

  3. Click the Graphs button if your graphs are not displayed.

  4. Under the graph, you see a zoom bar. Drag the left handle on the zoom bar. The handles are defined by the two vertical lines on the scroll bar. You see a left handle and a right handle.

  5. Slide the handles toward the center of the graphs to zoom in. The closer the two handles are to one another, the more you zoom in to reveal shorter, finer segments of the load test.

  6. Click and hold the center section of the zoom bar to scroll to a particular point in the load test.


    You can also zoom a region of the graph by highlighting that region with the mouse.

See Also


How to: Run a Load Test


Deleted: Working with the Load Test Monitor and Analyzer
Deleted: How to: View a Previous Load Test Run