CrystalReportPartsViewer Members

Provides properties, methods, and events that modify or retrieve information about how the CrystalReportPartsViewer control appears and functions.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CrystalReportPartsViewer type.

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property BatchSize  Gets or sets the number of records being displayed in the CrystalReportPartsViewer control.
Public property ClientTarget (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the target rendering for different browsers. Valid values are 'Uplevel', 'Downlevel', and 'Auto'.
Public property CssFilename (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the file path of the cascading style sheet (CSS) file.
Public property EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the CrystalReportViewer control prompts for database logon if required.
Public property EnableDrillDown  Gets or sets whether drilling down to a page/chart/summary is enabled.
Public property EnableParameterPrompt (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the parameter prompt appears when the parameter values are not set.
Public property EnableToolTips (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the ToolTip is visible or hidden.
Public property EnterpriseLogon (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the logon information for an enterprise report.
Public property HasBorder  Gets or sets whether the border is visible.
Public property HasPageNavigationLinks  Gets or sets whether the page navigation links are visible or hidden.
Public property IsDisplayHeadings  Gets or sets whether the report object names are shown at the top of each column.
Public property IsDisplayTitle  Gets or sets whether the report title is shown.
Public property LogOnInfo (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the TableLogOnInfos collection.
Public property ParameterFieldInfo (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the parameter fields collection object.
Public property PreserveLayout  Gets or sets whether the report parts persist the layout in the original report.
Public property ReportParts  Gets or sets the list of report parts to be viewed in the CrystalReportPartsViewer control.
Public property ReportSource  Overridden. Sets the report to bind to the CrystalReportViewer control.
Public property ReportSourceClassFactoryName (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the information needed to create an internal ReportSource object.
Public property ReportSourceID (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or Sets the ID of the ReportSourceControl to be used.
Public property ReportTitle  Gets or sets the title of the report.
Public property ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the current parameter values are used when the report is refreshed.
Public property RotateSections  Gets or sets whether the report part's list is rotated. This means that columns become rows, and rows become columns.
Public property SelectionFormula (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the record selection formula of the report.
Public property ViewTimeSelectionFormula (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the current browser locale is used to display the report.
Public property ZoomFactor  Gets or sets the zoom level of the report.


Public Methods

Method Description
Public method IsFirstPage  Specifies whether the current page is the first page in the report.
Public method IsLastPage  Specifies whether the current page is the last page in the report.
Public method NextPage  Displays the next page of the report.
Public method PrevPage  Displays the previous page of the report.
Public method Refresh  Refreshes the report displayed in the CrystalReportPartsViewer control.


Public Events

Event Description
Public event AfterRender (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report rendering process is finished.
Public event AfterRenderContent (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report content rendering process is finished.
Public event AfterRenderObject (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report object rendering process is finished.
Public event BeforeRender (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report rendering process starts.
Public event BeforeRenderContent (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report content rendering process starts.
Public event BeforeRenderObject (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report object rendering process starts.
Public event ChartDrillDown  Event fires when a chart is drilled down on.
Public event Error (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the report object throws an exception.
Public event FieldDrillDown  Event fires when a chart is drilled down on.
Public event OnRenderScript (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the HTML script generation starts.
Public event OnRenderStyle (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires when the HTML style class generation starts.
Public event ReportPartBookmarkNavigation (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Event fires after navigation to a report part in the same report or another report is finished.


See Also


CrystalDecisions.Web Namespace