ExcelLocale1033Proxy.Unwrap Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Returns a version of the specified native Microsoft Office Excel object that passes the locale ID (LCID) of the current thread with all locale-sensitive calls to the Excel object model, instead of passing LCID 1033 to specify the English (United States) locale.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.v9.0 (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Common.v9.0.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute("ExcelLocale1033ProxyMethodObsolete")> _
Public Shared Function Unwrap ( _
    wrappedExcelObject As Object _
) As Object
Dim wrappedExcelObject As Object
Dim returnValue As Object

returnValue = ExcelLocale1033Proxy.Unwrap(wrappedExcelObject)
public static Object Unwrap(
    Object wrappedExcelObject


  • wrappedExcelObject
    Type: System.Object
    The native Excel object that you want to unwrap.

Return Value

Type: System.Object
A version of wrappedExcelObject that always passes the locale ID of the current thread to Excel, if wrappedExcelObject is a native Excel object and the ExcelLocale1033Attribute attribute is true. Otherwise, this method returns wrappedExcelObject without any modifications.


The Unwrap method can be used to modify the locale ID used by an Excel object (that is, an instance of a type that is defined in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace) in Visual Studio Tools for Office projects for Excel. For more information, see Formatting Data in Excel with Various Regional Settings.

The Unwrap method is obsolete for the current release of Visual Studio Tools for Office. For more information, see the ExcelLocale1033Proxy class remarks.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ExcelLocale1033Proxy Class

ExcelLocale1033Proxy Members

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel Namespace

Other Resources

Formatting Data in Excel with Various Regional Settings

Globalization and Localization of Office Solutions