IMessengerService::Property Property

Deprecated. Retrieves a specific property of the service.


HRESULT IMessengerService::get_Property(MSERVICEPROPERTY ePropType, VARIANT *pvPropVal);
HRESULT IMessengerService::put_Property(MSERVICEPROPERTY ePropType, VARIANT vPropVal);


  • ePropType
    MSERVICEPROPERTY constant value.
  • pvPropVal
    A pointer to a VARIANT that contains the property value. (Variant type differs depending on the property being set or retrieved.)
  • ePropType
    MSERVICEPROPERTY constant value.
  • vPropVal
    A VARIANT used to set the property value. (Variant type differs depending on the property being set or retrieved.)

Return Value

Returns one of the following values. 

E_INVALIDARG Returned in all cases. Reserved.


This method exists for later expansions of properties that can be associated with a contact but that will not require another iteration of the Messenger interfaces. For the current properties (IMessengerContact::CanPage, IMessenger::Phone, IMessengerContact::FriendlyName, and IMessengerContact::Blocked), each property has its own change event and method for accessing the property.

Note  This property is available for scripting languages but returns E_INVALIDARG.

Important  IMessengerService::Property is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.