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IMessengerConversationWnd::History Property

Deprecated. Returns the text from the history of the conversation window.


HRESULT IMessengerConversationWnd::get_History(BSTR *bstrHistoryText);


  • bstrHistoryText
    Pointer to a BSTR that contains the text of the conversation window.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values. 

S_OK Success.
E_FAIL Client was not signed in to the primary service at the time this method was called; or, the conversation window is closed.
S_FALSE Could not bring focus to the window.
RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER bstrHistoryText is a NULL pointer.


Note  This property is not available for scripting languages.

Important  IMessengerConversationWnd::History is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

See Also
