• word breaker
    A piece of software unique to each language or language dialect that splits a phrase into individual words. Both the query string and the content and properties pass through a word breaker.
  • word list
    The first stage of the Indexing Service index, where words are placed along with the containing document name, word location, and locale. Word lists eventually merge to form shadow indexes.
  • Indexing
    looking at the external properties of a file, and placing those values into the catalog. Things like file name, date, and time are included in this scan. Index Server can do this for any type of file.
  • Filtering
    looking at the internal properties and contents of a file. Index Server basically double-clicks on a file (provided it is of a type that can be filtered) and places into the catalog the properties (including META properties in HTML, and Office properties, both custom and standard) and the contents of the document.
  • Word List
    List of the words Index Server has pulled out of documents
  • Shadow Merge
    Taking the wordlists out of RAM, merging them, then moving them to the hard drive. The list will be placed into a temporary catalog file in the CATALOG.WCI directory.
  • Master Merge
    Takes all of the temporary catalog files and merges them in with the actual catalog.
  • Docs to Filter
    The number of documents Index Server sees that it has yet to attempt to filter. Ideally the value here should be zero.
  • Total Docs
    The total number of discovered documents.
  • Location
    The path to the folder that holds the CATALOG.WCI folder.
  • Characterization
    The number of characters on each side of the keyword that will be displayed on the results page to provide context. Also called an Abstract.