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The INmConference interface represents a NetMeeting 3 conference. Conferences can be hosted by the local computer or set up through a conference server. How you set up a conference affects the way in which data is distributed and how members can join and leave. See Further Reading for more information.

When to Implement

You do not need to implement this interface because the NetMeeting run time provides the INmConference implementation on the conference object. However, you need to implement the corresponding event handler methods for INmConferenceNotify.

When to Use

Use the INmConference interface methods to perform the following actions.

  • Create and list members participating in the conference.
  • Create and list channels for information transfer among conference participants.
  • Set and retrieve information about the state and attributes of the conference, including whether this conference is the host.
  • Trigger the launch of an application on a member's remote computer.

Methods in Vtable Order

INmConference methods Description
CreateDataChannel Creates a conduit to transfer data between members of a conference.
EnumChannel Lists the channels for this conference.
EnumMember Lists the members for this conference.
GetChannelCount Retrieves the number of channels.
GetID Retrieves the unique identifier (ID) for this conference.
GetMemberCount Retrieves the number of members.
GetName Retrieves the friendly name of the conference.
GetNmchCaps Retrieves the possible channel types this conference can use.
GetState Retrieves the current state of the conference.
GetTopProvider Retrieves a pointer to the INmMember interface of the member in charge of this conference.
Host Starts a conference and adds the local user as a member.
IsHosting Determines whether this conference is the host.
LaunchRemote Starts an application on a member's remote computer.
Leave Leaves this conference.


You can create a conference object by calling INmManager::CreateConference. When this successfully completes, the state for the conference object is NM_CONFERENCE_ACTIVE. You can create any number of conference objects, but only one can be active at any given time. The rest must be idle. An idle conference has no members and no channels, while an active conference always has at least one member. To list all the conferences on your computer, call INmManager:: EnumConference to retrieve a pointer to the IEnumNmConference interface and call the Next method.

Successful calls to INmManager::CreateCall or INmConference::Host also result in the state for the conference object being changed to NM_CONFERENCE_ACTIVE.

Conference names and identifiers (IDs) are only used with T.120 data conferences, so the local member must have data capabilities before the conference name is set. To detect such data-conference capabilities, watch for the following notifications.

Notifications Description
INmConferenceNotify::MemberChanged Retrieves the Member object, calls GetNmchCaps, and checks for NMCH_SHARE, which indicates that an application sharing channel is active.
INmConferenceNotify::ChannelChanged Retrieves the Channel object, calls GetNmch, and checks for NMCH_SHARE, which indicates an application sharing channel is active.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Header:** Imsconf2.idl.