IContactPropertyCollection::GetPropertyName Method

Retrieves the name for the current property in the enumeration.


HRESULT GetPropertyName(      
    LPWSTR pszPropertyName,
    DWORD cchPropertyName,
    DWORD *pdwcchPropertyNameRequired


  • pszPropertyName
    [in, out] On success, contains the name to use for querying on IContactProperties. EX: toplevel -or- toplevel/secondlevel[4]/thirdlevel.
  • cchPropertyName
    [in] Specifies caller-allocated buffer size in characters.
  • pdwcchPropertyNameRequired
    [in, out] On failure, contains the required size for pszPropertyName.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Query is successful.
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER pszPropertyName was not large enough to store the value. The required buffer size is stored in *pdwcchPropertyNameRequired.