XML DOM Properties (Visual Basic .NET)

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XML DOM Properties (Visual Basic .NET)

This SDK supports the following XML DOM properties.

Property Description
attributes Contains the list of attributes for this node. Read-only.
childNodes Contains a node list containing the children (for nodes that can have children). Read-only.
documentElement Contains the root element of the document. Read/write.
firstChild Contains the first child of this node. Read-only.
implementation Contains the IXMLDOMImplementation object for this document. Read-only.
lastChild Contains the last child of this node. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap) Indicates the number of items in the collection. Read-only.
length (IXMLDOMNodeList) Indicates the number of items in the collection. Read-only.
name Contains the attribute name. Read-only.
nextSibling Contains the next sibling of this node in the parent's child list. Read-only.
nodeName Contains the qualified name of the element, attribute, or entity reference, or a fixed string for other node types. Read-only.
nodeType Specifies the XML DOM node type, which determines valid values and whether the node can have child nodes. Read-only.
nodeTypeString* Contains the node type in string form. Read-only.
nodeValue Contains the text associated with the node. Read/write.
ownerDocument Returns the root of the document that contains this node. Read-only.
parentNode Contains the parent node (for nodes that can have parents). Read-only.
previousSibling Contains the left sibling of this node. Read-only.
tagName Contains the element name (the name that appears within the tag). Read-only.
url* Returns the canonical URL for the most recently loaded XML document.
value Contains the attribute value. Read/write.

* Denotes an extension to the W3C DOM.

See Also

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