
Windows Media Encoder SDK banner art

The put_EnableTimecode method specifies a Boolean value indicating whether time code is enabled for content created with the current profile.


HRESULT put_EnableTimecode(
  short  iRenderSiteIndex,
  VARIANT_BOOL  fTimecode



[in]  short containing the audience stream index. Because an audience can contain only one stream of each type, iRenderSiteIndex must be 0.


[in]  VARIANT_BOOL indicating whether to enable the time code for the content created with the current profile.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it supports the IErrorInfo interface and returns an HRESULT error code.


The time code is a way to enable frame-level seeking within video content sourced from digital video files in .avi format, capture devices, and digital devices. A time code generates a larger output file. Typically this feature is used with high-quality content for a download that uses variable bit rate (VBR) mode or is not compressed. You cannot preserve or create a time code when you are applying the inverse telecine filter.

When you want to enable the time code during an encoding session, you set IWMEncoder2::put_EnableTimecode to VARIANT_TRUE and then the time code is enabled for the profile automatically. So, you only need to set IWMEncProfile2::put_EnableTimecode to VARIANT_TRUE for a profile when you are using the profile with third-party applications based on the Windows Media Format SDK.

Use the IWMEncoder2::put_PreserveSourceTimecode method to indicate whether to preserve the original time code from the source video or to create a new one.

Example Code

// Include libraries.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include "C:\WMSDK\WMEncSDK9\include\wmencode.h"

    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr;
    IWMEncoder* pEncoder;
    IWMEncProfileCollection* pProColl;
    IWMEncProfile* pPro;

    IWMEncProfile2* pPro2;

    // Initialize the COM library and retrieve a pointer to an IWMEncoder interface.
    hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMEncoder,
            (void**) &pEncoder);

    // Retrieve a specific profile.
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = pEncoder->get_ProfileCollection(&pProColl);
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = pProColl->Item(11, &pPro);

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMEncProfile2,
            (void**) &pPro2);

    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = pPro2->LoadFromIWMProfile(pPro);

    // Determines whether the time code is enabled.
    VARIANT_BOOL bTimecode;
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = pPro2->get_EnableTimecode(0, &bTimecode); 

    // Enable time codes.
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
        hr = pPro2->put_EnableTimecode(0, VARIANT_TRUE);

    // Release pointers.
    if ( pPro2 )
        pPro2 = NULL;


Header: wmencode.h

Library: wmenc.exe

See Also