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SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat,Surface,PaletteEntry) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Saves a surface to a stream.


Visual Basic Public Shared Function SaveToStream( _
    ByVal destFormat As ImageFileFormat, _
    ByVal srcSurface As Surface, _
    ByRef sourcePalette As PaletteEntry _
) As GraphicsStream
C# public static GraphicsStream SaveToStream(
    ImageFileFormat destFormat,
    Surface srcSurface,
    out PaletteEntry sourcePalette
C++ public:
static GraphicsStreamSaveToStream(
    ImageFileFormat destFormat,
    [Out] PaletteEntrysourcePalette
JScript public static function SaveToStream(
    destFormat : ImageFileFormat,
    srcSurface : Surface,
    sourcePalette : PaletteEntry
) : GraphicsStream;


destFormat Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ImageFileFormat
An ImageFileFormat object that specifies the file format to use when saving the surface to a stream. This method supports saving to all ImageFileFormat types except Portable Pixmap (.ppm) and Targa/Truevision Graphics Adapter (.tga).
srcSurface Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Surface
A Surface object that represents the source surface to save to a file.
sourcePalette Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.PaletteEntry[]
A PaletteEntry array that contains the source palette entries.

Return Value

A GraphicsStream object that contains the saved surface data.


This method handles conversion to and from compressed texture formats.



The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.