The DDHAL_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA structure contains the vertical blank information. This structure passes the information to the DirectDraw HAL WaitForVerticalBlank callback function.

DWORD                           dwFlags;
DWORD                           bIsInVB;
DWORD                           hEvent;
HRESULT                         ddRVal;


  • lpDD
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL structure that represents the DirectDraw object.

  • dwFlags
    Indicates how to wait for the vertical blank.

    Flag Usage
    DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN Return when the vertical blank interval begins.
    DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGINEVENT Set up an event to trigger when the vertical blank begins. This flag is not currently supported.
    DDWAITVB_BLOCKEND Return when the vertical blank interval ends and display begins.
    DDWAITVB_I_TESTVB DirectDraw sets the flag to query if a vertical blank is in progress.
  • bIsInVB
    Indicates the status of the vertical blank.

  • hEvent
    Handle for the event that should be triggered when the vertical blank begins. The hEvent is triggered on an interrupt, so if you have the ability to generate an interrupt on the vertical blank you need to pass this event handle to your ring 0 interrupt handler so it is triggered when the interrupt goes off. This is to trigger some code off when the interrupt on the vertical blank is set.

  • ddRVal
    Passes the DirectDraw return values.

  • WaitForVerticalBlank
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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