
This method closes down the performance object. An application that created the performance object and called IDirectMusicPerformance::Init on it must call CloseDown before the performance is released.

HRESULT CloseDown();



Return Values

The method returns S_OK.


Failure to call CloseDown can cause memory leaks or program failures.

CloseDown handles the release of the IDirectMusic interface if the application passed NULL, or a pointer to NULL, to IDirectMusicPerformance::Init, causing a DirectMusic object to be created. In cases in which the application explicitly created the DirectMusic object and passed the pointer to Init, the application is responsible for releasing the IDirectMusic interface.

CloseDown also releases any downloaded instruments that have not been unloaded.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and Windows CE .NET 4.1.
Header: Dmusici.h.
Link Library: Dmusic.lib.

See Also

IDirectMusic | IDirectMusicPerformance::Init

 Last updated on Monday, April 12, 2004

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