
This interface implements the Extended Debugging Interface (eXDI) server code breakpoint services for the debugger.


Method Description
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::Next Retrieves pointers for the next set of code breakpoint objects in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::Skip Skips the next code breakpoint in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::Reset Resets to the first code breakpoint object in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::GetCount Retrieves the total number of code breakpoint objects in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::GetNext Retrieves a pointer to the next code breakpoint object in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::DisableAll Disables code breakpoint objects in the list.
IeXdiEnumCodeBreakpoint::EnableAll Enables code breakpoint objects in the list.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: exdi.idl.

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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