
This method adds a new code breakpoint.

HRESULT AddCodeBreakpoint(
  CBP_KIND cbpk,
  MEM_TYPE mt,
  DWORD dwExecMode,
  DWORD dwTotalBypassCount,
  IeXdiCodeBreakpoint** ppieXdiCodeBreakpoint


  • Address
    [in] Address of the instruction on which the method will break.
  • cbpk
    [in] ** Indicates if the code breakpoint must be hardware, software, or if the probe driver can decide based on its algorithm and resources available. In the case of software breakpoints, the probe driver must keep track of instruction being replaced.
  • mt
    [in] ** Indicates whether this memory address concerns virtual memory or physical memory. Peripheral I/O is not applicable and mtContext value is not accepted.
  • dwExecMode
    [in] In the case of multiple mode processors, gives a hint on the process mode at the time of the execution of the code where to set the breakpoint.
  • dwTotalBypassCount
    [in] Total number of bypasses before triggering a microprocessor halt on this breakpoint.
  • ppieXdiCodeBreakpoint
    [out] Returns a pointer to the newly created breakpoint object's interface.

Return Values

This method has the following return values.

Return value Description
S_OK Function is successful.
EXDI_E_NOTIMPL Not implemented.
EXDI_E_OUTOFMEMORY Failed to allocate necessary memory.
EXDI_E_ABORT Operation aborted.
EXDI_E_FAIL Unspecified failure occurred.
EXDI_E_COMMUNICATION Communication error occurred between host driver and target.
EXDI_E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid.
EXDI_E_NORESAVAILABLE No breakpoint resource available or cannot instantiate breakpoint.
EXDI_E_CANNOTWHILETGTRUNNING Cannot proceed while target is running. Must halt the target first.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: exdi.idl.

See Also


 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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