
This method sets the full-screen mode for the video renderer filter supporting this interface.

HRESULT put_FullScreenMode(
  long FullScreenMode


  • FullScreenMode
    [in] OATRUE if supporting full-screen video, or OAFALSE if not.

Return Values

Returns E_NOTIMPL if the video renderer does not support full-screen mode or NOERROR if it does.


This method enables an application to switch a full-screen renderer into and out of full-screen mode. The renderer's behavior when switched out of full-screen mode is implementation-dependent. The Microsoft full-screen renderer, for example, switches back to a window.

The IVideoWindow plug-in distributor in the filter graph manager implements full-screen renderer switching. It looks to see if any renderer in the graph supports a full-screen mode and, if not, will temporarily replace the renderer with the default DirectShow full-screen renderer. It calls IVideoWindow::GetMaxIdealImageSize to determine if a window can be made a topmost window and resized to the entire display. This is preferred to swapping renderers, because the filter graph might be using DirectDraw overlays or a hardware decoder filter.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements. See Setting Up the Build Environment for more information.

OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

See Also

IVideoWindow Interface

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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