
Blocks until the thread exits.

BOOL WaitForThreadExit(
LPDWORD lpdwExitCode );


  • lpdwExitCode
    Exit code returned by the thread.

Return Values

Returns either TRUE or FALSE, the meaning of which is determined by the class supplying the overridden CMsgThread::ThreadMessageProc member function and the calling member function.


Ensure that the worker thread has exited completely before completing the destruction of your derived class; otherwise, the thread might still execute after your dynamic-link library (DLL) has been unloaded from the address space of the process. Even if the only instruction left to exit is a single-return instruction, this would cause an exception. The only reliable way to ensure that the thread has exited is to signal the thread to exit (using a privately negotiated CMsg object sent to the CMsgThread::PutThreadMsg member function) and then call this member function. You should do this in the destructor for your derived class.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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