IWMEncEditDecisionData Interface

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The IWMEncEditDecisionData interface manages a collection of edit decision list (EDL) entries in the form of name-value attributes. Use the WMEncEditDecisionList interface to manage the collection of entries.

When using a digital device as a source, the EDL indicates which segments of a video tape to encode. EDL entries can appear in any order. If you use multiple tapes, you will be prompted to change the tape. Your video tapes must contain proper time codes. To ensure that the time code in the tape is continuous, use a prestriped tape (one you have prerecorded continuously from beginning to end).

This interface exposes the following property and methods.

Property Description
Count Retrieves the number of attributes in the EDL entry.
Method Description
Add Adds a name-value pair to the EDL entry.
get_Value Retrieves a value for a specific EDL entry.
Item Retrieves a specific item from an EDL entry.
Remove Removes a specific item from an EDL entry.
RemoveAll Removes all items from an EDL entry.

See Also