Defining and Configuring Handler Pipelines

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The Handlers section of a policy defines the series of handlers that the Policy Injection Application Block will execute when client code calls a method or sets a property of the target class that corresponds to the matching rules defined for that policy.

The Policy Injection Application Block executes the pre-processing task of each handler in the order that they occur in the configuration (unless a handler aborts the process). The application block then calls the specified method or sets the specified property of the target object. After the target object method or property accessor completes, the Policy Injection Application Block executes the post-processing task of each handler (unless a handler aborts the process), in the reverse order that they occur in the configuration.


The term "handler," when used in the Policy Injection Application Block, defines an object that resides in a policy pipeline, and which can—if required—handle both pre-processing tasks and post-processing tasks. However, the more common scenario is for the handler to execute at only one of these stages, as either a pre-processing task or a post-processing task.

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