Exception Handling

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Retired: November 2011

With ASMX services, unhandled exceptions are always returned to client applications as SOAP faults. An ASMX service can also throw the SoapException class, which provides more control over the content of the SOAP fault that is returned to the client application.

However, when an unhandled exception occurs, the default configuration of WCF protects sensitive data from exposure by not returning sensitive information in SOAP fault messages. You can override this behavior by adding a serviceDebug element to the service behavior in the configuration file that is associated with a WCF service. Overriding this behavior is not recommended for deployment; it should be used only in a development environment.

Similar to the SoapException class used with ASMX services, you can also throw a custom exception by using the FaultException<T> type, where T is a data contract that contains the exception information. The use of custom exceptions also requires the declaration of a FaultContract on operations that will throw the exception.

The following code example demonstrates how a DataContract is used to define a FaultContract declared on a service operation in a ServiceContract.

public class FindEmployeeFault
    public string Request;
    public string Description;

public interface IEmployeeManager
    [OperationContract(Action = "FindEmployeeByLastName")]
    EmployeeService.DataContracts.Employee FindEmployeeByLastName(string request);

This next code example demonstrates how to catch a FaultException that may be thrown by the service operation shown in the preceding code example.

// client function used to find an employee
public Employee FindEmployee( string lastName )
    Employee employee = null;
        employee = proxy.FindEmployeeByLastName( lastName   );
    catch( FaultException<FindEmployeeFault> ex )
        Console.WriteLine("FaultException<FindEmployeeFault>: While finding " 
            + ex.Detail.Request
            + ". Because: " 
            + ex.Detail.Description );
    return employee;

The filtering of exception data that is returned from a service is described using an Exception Shielding pattern. The pattern describes how exception handlers can be used to filter the data that is returned to a client application. To help facilitate the creation of exception handlers in WCF services, the Service Factory: Modeling Edition includes the Data Contract Model that contains a fault contract shape that you can use to create WCF fault contracts.


WCF provides exception shielding, but you should always define exception handlers for both ASMX and WCF services. For more information, see Exception Handling in Service Oriented Applications.