Endpoint Catalog QuickStart

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This QuickStart demonstrates the key usage scenarios of the Endpoint Catalog Application Block.

Building and Running the QuickStart

The QuickStart ships as source code, which means you must compile it before running it. This QuickStart does not require any additional setup.

To build and run the QuickStart

  1. Open the solution file Quickstarts.EndpointCatalog.sln.
  2. On the Build menu, click Rebuild Solution.
  3. Press F5 to run the QuickStart.


The QuickStart consists of a single form that displays a list of endpoints which you can click to query the Endpoint Catalog Application Block for their configuration.


Figure 1

Endpoint Catalog QuickStart

Each endpoint has different configuration information, as described in the App.config file:

    <add Name="WebService1" Address="http://default-host.com/WebService1.asmx" UserName="default-user-name" Password="default-password" Domain="default-domain">
        <add Name="Internet" Address="http://internet-host.com/WebService1.asmx"
             UserName="internet-user-name" Password="internet-password" />
        <add Name="Work" Address="http://work-host.com/WebService1.asmx"
             UserName="work-user-name" Password="work-password"  />
    <add Name="WebService2" Address="http://default-host.com/WebService2.asmx" UserName="default-user-name" Password="default-password" Domain="default-domain">
        <add Name="Internet" Address="http://internet-host.com/WebService2.asmx"
             UserName="internet-user-name" Password="internet-password" />
    <add Name="WebService3" Address="http://default-host.com/WebService3.asmx" UserName="default-user-name" Password="default-password" Domain="default-domain">
        <add Name="Work" Address="http://work-host.com/WebService3.asmx"/>
    <add Name="WebService4" Address="http://default-host.com/WebService4.asmx" UserName="default-user-name" Password="default-password" Domain="default-domain"/>
    <add Name="WebService5">
        <add Name="Work" Address="http://work-host.com/WebService5.asmx"
             UserName="work-user-name" Password="work-password"/>

To see the configuration for an endpoint

  1. Select an endpoint from the list.
  2. Select a network for which to show the configuration. Depending on the endpoint and network selected, you will see the configuration specific for the network selected, the default configuration or nothing depending on the endpoint configuration information.


If you include sensitive information (such as credential information for your endpoints) in your application configuration file, you should consider encrypting the configuration section that contains the sensitive information.

Related Software Factory Assets

The following assets are related to this QuickStart:

  • Endpoint Catalog Application Block