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Custom Map Styles in Bing Maps V8 and REST Services


Depending on which API or service you are using there are two different ways to specify a custom style in Bing Maps. The Bing Maps V8 web and Windows 10 UWP controls use a JSON style object, while the Bing Maps REST services and map tiles use a formatted string.

The JSON style schema is very comprehensive. The Windows 10 UWP map control makes full use of the schema while the Bing Maps V8 Web control and REST services support a subset of the schema. A JSON style created for the Windows 10 UWP map control will work with the V8 Web Control and vice-versa. Any unsupported style settings will simply be ignored.

This documentation will focus on custom map styles in Bing Maps V8 Web Control and the Bing Maps REST services. Documentation on using custom map styles in the Windows 10 UWP control can be found here.

Custom Map Styles in the Bing Maps V8 Web Control

The Bing Maps V8 control has a new map option called customMapStyle which can be set when loading the map. This property expects a JSON map ICustomMapStyle object. Here is an example of how to add a custom map style to Bing Maps V8.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script type='text/javascript'>
        var map;

        var myStyle = {
            "elements": {
                "water": { "fillColor": "#a1e0ff" },
                "waterPoint": { "iconColor": "#a1e0ff" },
                "transportation": { "strokeColor": "#aa6de0" },
                "road": { "fillColor": "#b892db" },
                "railway": { "strokeColor": "#a495b2" },
                "structure": { "fillColor": "#ffffff" },
                "runway": { "fillColor": "#ff7fed" },
                "area": { "fillColor": "#f39ebd" },
                "political": { "borderStrokeColor": "#fe6850", "borderOutlineColor": "#55ffff" },
                "point": { "iconColor": "#ffffff", "fillColor": "#FF6FA0", "strokeColor": "#DB4680" },
                "transit": { "fillColor": "#AA6DE0" }
            "version": "1.0" 

        function GetMap()
            map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map('#myMap', {
                credentials: 'Your Bing Maps Key',
                customMapStyle: myStyle
    <script type='text/javascript' src='' async defer></script>
    <div id="myMap"></div>

Running this code will produce a map that looks like this:

Pink Map Style

Tip: TypeScript definitions for the Bing Maps V8 Web Control do include definitions for custom style schema. You can access the Bing Maps TypeScript definitions here.

Custom Map Styles in the REST and Tile Services

Custom map styles can be used with the Bing Maps REST imagery service and when directly accessing Bing Maps tiles in a supported manner. To add a custom map style, a formatted string version of the style can be added as a URL parameter to the image/tile request. The URL parameter that can be added to the request is &style= or &st=.

The style string has the following format:


The above format is for a single element in the custom map style. You can combine multiple elements and the settings value by joining them with an underscore (_). The element name can either be the full element name (i.e. road) or the short form version (i.e. rd).

For example, take the following JSON style which colors water areas red and their labels green, makes roads blue, and sets the global land color to white:

        "elements": {
            "water": {
                "fillColor": "#FF0000",
                "labelColor": "#00FF00"
            "road": { "fillColor": "#0000FF" }
        "settings": { "landColor": "#FFFFFF" },
        "version": "1.0"

The string formatted version of this style looks like this (long form):


Here is the same style using the short form version:


This can then be appended to a REST Static Image request or a tile URL. For example:[YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY]&st=wt|fc:FF0000;lbc:00FF00_rd|fc:0000FF_g|landColor:FFFFFF

Here is the image this request would return:

Red Blue Map Style

If the style is too long for a URL, when using the REST imagery service, the style can be passed in using a POST request. The POST data object format is: style=[Your custom style]

Style Objects

The following defines the JSON objects that are used for creating custom map styles. All color values are specified as a hex #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB string. When using the REST/Tile services, do not include hashtags.

Tip: Ensure that all colors have 6 or 8 characters. If there is any other number of characters, the style will be considered invalid.

ICustomMapStyle Object

The following properties are available in the custom map style object.

Name URL Param Type Description
elements IMapElements A list of map elements to be styled.
settings g ISettingStyle Global settings.
version string The version number of the style syntax.

IMapElements Object

The following is a list of map elements that can be styled to create a custom map style.

Name URL Param Type Description
adminDistrict ad IBorderedMapElementStyle Admin1, state, province, etc.
adminDistrictCapital adc IMapElementStyle Icon representing the capital of a state/province.
airport ap IMapElementStyle Area of land encompassing an airport.
area ar IMapElementStyle Area of land use, not to be confused with Structure
arterialRoad ard IMapElementStyle An arterial road is a high-capacity urban road. Its primary function is to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressways, and between urban centers efficiently.
building bld IMapElementStyle A structure such as a house, store, factory.
business bs IMapElementStyle Restaurant, hospital, school, etc.
capital cp IMapElementStyle Icon representing the capital populated place.
cemetery cm IMapElementStyle Area of a cemetery
continent ct IMapElementStyle Area of a whole continent
controlledAccessHighway cah IMapElementStyle A controlled-access highway is a type of road which has been designed for high-speed vehicular traffic, with all traffic flow and ingress/egress regulated. Also known as a highway, freeway, motorway, expressway, interstate, parkway, autobahn.
countryRegion cr IBorderedMapElementStyle A country or independent sovereign state.
countryRegionCapital crc IMapElementStyle Icon representing the capital of a country/region.
district ds IBorderedMapElementStyle Admin2, county, etc.
education ed IMapElementStyle An area of land used for educational purposes such as a school campus.
educationBuilding eb IMapElementStyle A school or other educational building.
foodPoint fp IMapElementStyle Restaurant, café, etc.
forest fr IMapElementStyle Area of forest land.
golfCourse gc IMapElementStyle An area of land where the game of golf is played.
highSpeedRamp hsrp IMapElementStyle Lines representing ramps typically alongside ControlledAccessHighways
highway hg IMapElementStyle All other highways other than controlled access highways.
indigenousPeoplesReserve ipr IMapElementStyle An area of land reserved for Indigenous people.
island is IMapElementStyle Labeling of area of an island.
majorRoad mr IMapElementStyle Major roads.
mapElement me IMapElementStyle The base map element in which all other map elements inherit from.
medical md IMapElementStyle Area of land used for medical purposes. Generally, hospital campuses.
medicalBuilding mb IMapElementStyle A building which provides medical services.
military ima IMapElementStyle A military area.
naturalPoint np IMapElementStyle A natural point of interest.
nautical nt IMapElementStyle Area of land used for nautical purposes.
neighborhood nh IMapElementStyle Area defined as a neighborhood.
park pr IMapElementStyle Area of any kind of park.
peak pk IMapElementStyle Icon representing the peak of a mountain.
playingField pf IMapElementStyle Extracted pitches such as a baseball
point pt IMapElementStyle All point features that are rendered with an icon of some sort.
pointOfInterest poi IMapElementStyle Restaurant, hospital, school, marina, ski area, etc.
political pl IBorderedMapElementStyle A political border.
populatedPlace pp IMapElementStyle Icon representing size of populated place (city, town, etc).
railway rl IMapElementStyle Railway lines
ramp rm IMapElementStyle Line representing the connecting entrance/exit to a highway.
reserve rsv IMapElementStyle Area of nature reserve.
river rv IMapElementStyle River, stream, or other passage. Note that this may be a line or polygon and may connect to non-river water bodies.
road rd IMapElementStyle Lines that represent all roads
roadExit re IMapElementStyle Icon representing the exit, typically from a controlled access highway.
runway rw IMapElementStyle Land area covered by a runway. See also Airport for the land area of the whole airport.
sand sn IMapElementStyle Area generally used for beaches but could be used for sandy areas/golf bunkers in the future.
shoppingCenter sct IMapElementStyle A shopping center or mall.
stadium sta IMapElementStyle Area of a stadium.
street st IMapElementStyle A street.
structure str IMapElementStyle Buildings and other building-like structures
tollRoad tr IMapElementStyle A toll road.
trail trl IMapElementStyle Walking trail, either through park or hiking trail
transit trn IMapElementStyle Icon representing a bus stop, train stop, airport, etc.
transitBuilding tb IMapElementStyle A transit building.
transportation trs IMapElementStyle Lines that are part of the transportation network (roads, trains, ferries, etc.)
unpavedStreet us IMapElementStyle An unpaved street.
vegetation vg IMapElementStyle Forests, grassy areas, etc.
volcanicPeak vp IMapElementStyle Icon representing the peak of a volcano.
water wt IMapElementStyle Anything that looks like water.
waterPoint wp IMapElementStyle Icon representing a water feature location such as a waterfall.
waterRoute wr IMapElementStyle Ferry route lines

IMapElementStyle Object

The following properties can be used when styling a map element.

JSON Name URL Param Type Description
fillColor fc string Color used for filling polygons, the background of point icons, and for the center of lines if they have split.
labelColor lbc string The color of a map label.
labelOutlineColor loc string The outline color of a map label.
labelVisible lv boolean Species if a map label type is visible or not.
strokeColor sc string Color used for the outline around polygons, the outline around point icons, and the color of lines.
visible v boolean Specifies if the map element is visible or not.

IBorderedMapElementStyle Object

Extends the IMapElementStyle object.

JSON Name URL Param Type Description
borderOutlineColor boc string Secondary/casing line color of the border of a filled polygon.
borderStrokeColor bsc string Primary line color of the border of a filled polygon.
borderVisible bv boolean Specifies if a border is visible or not.

ISettingStyle Object

Defines the global settings that can be set.

JSON Name URL Param Type Description
landColor lc string A color value that all land is first flushed to before things are drawn on it.
shadedReliefVisible boolean Specifies whether or not to draw elevation shading on the map.

Map Element Style Hierarchy

When styling map elements there is a hierarchy which can be used to apply styles at different levels. For example, if you wanted to make all roads red, you could go and style each road type, or you could simply apply the style to the road elements and all child elements would inherit that style. If you then wanted to only make toll roads green you could then add a style for that element and all other road types would continue to stay red.

Here is the map element hierarchy.

  • area
    • airport
    • cemetery
    • continent
    • education
    • golfCourse
    • indigenousPeoplesReserve
    • island
    • military
    • medical
    • nautical
    • neighborhood
    • runway
    • sand
    • shoppingCenter
    • stadium
    • vegetation
      • forest
      • park
      • playingField
      • reserve
  • point
    • naturalPoint
      • peak
        • volcanicPeak
      • waterPoint
    • pointOfInterest
      • business
        • foodPoint
    • populatedPlace
      • capital
        • adminDistrictCapital
        • countryRegionCapital
    • roadExit
    • transit
  • political
    • countryRegion
    • adminDistrict
    • district
  • structure
    • building
      • educationBuilding
      • medicalBuilding
      • transitBuilding
  • transportation
    • road
      • controlledAccessHighway
        • highSpeedRamp
      • highway
      • majorRoad
      • arterialRoad
      • street
        • ramp
      • unpavedStreet
      • tollRoad
    • railway
    • trail
    • waterRoute
  • water
    • river

Known Limitation

The following are some known limitations of custom map styles.

  • Custom styles are not supported for all country maps. Custom maps styles require the use of vector map data. Some countries have strict regulations around vector map data which prevents the Bing Maps team from using it to create custom map styles on the fly. This effects China, South Korea, and Japan currently. If you zoom into one of these countries, you will see the default map tile style appear for these countries while surrounding areas will use the custom map style.

Bing Maps V8

  • If labels are styled, the map will go into liteMode as vector label styling is not currently supported.

REST/Tile Services

  • When using formatted string styles, do not end the style with a semi-colon (;).

  • When an invalid style is passed to the REST service, a blue image is returned.

Custom Map Style Samples

Here are some sample custom map styles.

Midnight Commander Style

Midnight Commander Map Style

        "version": "1.0",
        "settings": {
            "landColor": "#0B334D"
        "elements": {
            "mapElement": {
                "labelColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "labelOutlineColor": "#000000"
            "political": {
                "borderStrokeColor": "#144B53",
                "borderOutlineColor": "#00000000"
            "point": {
                "iconColor": "#0C4152",
                "fillColor": "#000000",
                "strokeColor": "#0C4152"
            "transportation": {
                "strokeColor": "#000000",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "highway": {
                "strokeColor": "#158399",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "controlledAccessHighway": {
                "strokeColor": "#158399",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "arterialRoad": {
                "strokeColor": "#157399",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "majorRoad": {
                "strokeColor": "#157399",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "railway": {
                "strokeColor": "#146474",
                "fillColor": "#000000"
            "structure": {
                "fillColor": "#115166"
            "water": {
                "fillColor": "#021019"
            "area": {
                "fillColor": "#115166"

REST Style


Countries Only Style

Country Only Map Style

        "version": "1.0",
        "elements": {
            "mapElement": {
                "labelVisible": false
            "area": {
                "visible": false
            "transportation": {
                "visible": false
            "countryRegion": {
                "borderStrokeColor": "#444444",
                "borderOutlineColor": "#00000000",
                "fillColor": "#888888",
                "visible": true
            "adminDistrict": {
                "borderVisible": false
            "water": {
                "fillColor": "#FFFFFF"
            "point": {
                "visible": false

REST Style


Faded Map Style

Faded Map Style

        "version": "1.0",
        "settings": {
            "landColor": "#e7e6e5",
            "shadedReliefVisible": false
        "elements": {
            "vegetation": {
                "fillColor": "#c5dea2"
            "naturalPoint": {
                "visible": false,
                "labelVisible": false
            "transportation": {
                "labelOutlineColor": "#ffffff",
                "fillColor": "#ffffff",
                "strokeColor": "#d7d6d5"
            "water": {
                "fillColor": "#b1bdd6",
                "labelColor": "#ffffff",
                "labelOutlineColor": "#9aa9ca"
            "structure": {
                "fillColor": "#d7d6d5"
            "indigenousPeoplesReserve": {
                "visible": false
            "military": {
                "visible": false

REST Style
