RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager Members

Provides advanced connection management for using endpoints.

The RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager()()()() Initializes a new instance of the class.
Public method RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager(String) Initializes a new instance of the class.



  Name Description
Public property ConnectionThrottlingHighMark Gets or sets the high water mark for all connections. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property ConnectionThrottlingLowMark Gets or sets the low water mark for all connections. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property CurrentMessageThrottlingCount Get the current count of incoming messages that are waiting in internal queues. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property DefaultIncomingConnectionTimeout Gets or sets the default time-out value for any incoming connections. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property DefaultMaximumNumberOfConnectionsPerPool Gets or sets the pool size used for connection pools. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property DefaultOutgoingConnectionTimeout Gets or sets the default outgoing connection timeout value. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property DnsLoadBalancingDisabled (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property EnableAuthProtocolV3 Gets or sets the flag that controls negotiation of authentication protocol v3. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property EndpointsCount Gets the number of endpoints currently supported by this manager. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property IsListening Gets whether listening is enabled. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property ListeningPort Gets or sets the listening port. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property LocalCertificateIssuerName Gets the issuer of the local certificate used. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property LocalHostName Gets the fully qualified local host name. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public property MessageThrottlingHighMark Gets or sets the value that controls the high water mark limit. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property MessageThrottlingLowMark Gets or sets the value that controls the low water mark limit. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public property StrictDispatching Gets or sets whether incoming messages are routed to the hosted endpoints by this connection manager. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)



  Name Description
Protected method CanLocalHostBeChangedNow Sets the local host. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method CanShutdownCoreManagerNow Gets whether the core manager can be shut down. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method CleanUpConnections Cleans up connections. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method CoreManagerIncomingTlsNegotiationFailed This event callback is invoked when there is TLS negotiation failure for incoming connection. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method DecrementThrottleCount Decrements the current outstanding count. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method Dispose()()()() Releases the resources used by the connection manager. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Dispose implementation. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize Finalizes the object. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public method GetConnectionPools Gets the list of connection pools in this connection manager. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Protected method GetDestinationTuple(SipTransportType, String, Int32) Get the tuple needed to make the connection. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Protected method GetDestinationTuple(SipTransportType, String, Int32, String) Get the tuple needed to make the connection. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetIncomingConnections Gets the list of incoming connections. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method GetListeningAddresses Gets the collection of listening addresses. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method GetLocalCertificateSerialNumber Gets the serial number of the local certificate used. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public method GetOutgoingConnectionCount Returns the total number of outgoing connections in the connection pools. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method IncomingConnectionConnected Handles incoming connection connected event. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method IncrementThrottleCount Increments the current outstanding count. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method IsThrottlingInEffect Determines whether the incoming message should be throttled. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method ListenForIncomingConnections Starts listening for incoming connections. (Overrides RealTimeServerConnectionManager..::..ListenForIncomingConnections(IPEndPoint).)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method SetDefaultTlsTuple Sets the default [TlsCredentials] for the core manager. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public method SetLocalCertificate Sets the local certificate information. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public method StartListening Starts listening on the specified address and port. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public method StopListening Thrown when the [Listen] method times out. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Protected method StopListeningForIncomingConnections Stops listening for incoming connections. (Overrides RealTimeServerConnectionManager..::..StopListeningForIncomingConnections()()()().)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public event ConnectionAuthorizationRequested (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public event ConnectionPoolAdded Raised when a connection pool is added. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public event ConnectionPoolRemoved Raised when a connection pool is removed. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager.)
Public event IncomingConnectionAdded Raised when a new incoming connection is added. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public event IncomingConnectionRemoved Raised when a new incoming connection is removed. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public event IncomingTlsNegotiationFailed Raised when the TLS negotiation fails for an incoming connection. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public event ListeningAborted Raised when the listening is aborted. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)
Public event ListeningAddressesChanged Raised when one or more items are added or removed from the list of listening addresses. (Inherited from RealTimeServerConnectionManager.)


See Also


RealTimeServerTcpConnectionManager Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling Namespace