Call Members

Represents a basic call to handle an SDP offer/answer based invite session.

The Call type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method Call Initializes the call for a given conversation.



  Name Description
Public property ActiveMediaTypes Get the list of active media types for this call.
Public property ApplicationContext Gets or sets the application context.
Public property CallId Gets callId for the primary session sip dialog.
Protected property CanBeDeflected Gets the value indicating if the call has potential to be deflected to a target other than the original target.
Protected property CanHandleTransferReceived Flag indicating whether call is handling the incoming refer messages.
Public property Conversation Gets the conversation that holds this call.
Public property DefaultMediaType Gets the default media type for this call.
Public property IsEarlyMediaSupported Gets or sets the flag to indicate if the call supports the reliable provisional response for early media.
Public property IsReplacesSupported Property to turn off and on the supported capability header.
Public property IsThirdPartyCallControl Gets or sets the flag to indicate that the call is used in a 3rd party call control scenario.
Public property LocalTag LocalTag for the call.
Public property OriginalDestinationUri Gets the original destination URI of this call.
Public property RemoteEndpoint Gets the remote endpoint of the call.
Public property RemoteEndpointProperties Gets the call specific properties of the remote participant endpoint of this call.
Public property RemoteTag Remote tag for the call.
Public property State Gets the current call state.
Public property SupportedMediaTypes Gets the list of supported media types for this call.



  Name Description
Public method BeginAccept(AsyncCallback, Object) Accepts an incoming session and adds the given headers.
Public method BeginAccept(CallAcceptOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Accepts an incoming session and adds the given headers.
Public method BeginEstablish(AsyncCallback, Object) Establishes an outgoing call.
Public method BeginEstablish(CallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Establishes an outgoing call.
Public method BeginEstablish(String, CallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)
Public method BeginSendInfo
Protected method BeginSendMessage Sends a message to the specified remote participant.
Protected method BeginSendReliableProvisionalResponse Sends a reliable provisional response.
Public method BeginTerminate(AsyncCallback, Object) Terminates the session.
Public method BeginTerminate(IEnumerable<(Of <<'(SignalingHeader>)>>), AsyncCallback, Object) Terminates the session.
Protected method BeginTransfer(String, CallTransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)
Protected method BeginTransfer(Call, CallTransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Intiates a transfer request to the remote participant of the current call to replace another existing call in Attended type.
Public method BindMediaProvider
Public method Decline()()()() Decline an incoming call with 486 (Busy Here) response code.
Public method Decline(CallDeclineOptions) Decline an incoming call with options.
Public method EndAccept
Public method EndEstablish End the Async operation initiated by BeginEstablish() call.
Public method EndSendInfo Complete the SendInfo operation that was initiated earlier.
Protected method EndSendMessage Waits for the pending SendMessage operation to complete.
Protected method EndSendReliableProvisionalResponse Waits for the pending SendReliableProvisionalResponse operation.
Public method EndTerminate Returns the results of the terminate operation.
Protected method EndTransfer Complete the pending transfer operation that was initiated earlier.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Forward(String) Forward the call to the specified target URI with a response code 303.
Protected method Forward(String, CallForwardOptions) Redirect the call to a different target URI.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetMediaForDialReplaces
Public method GetNewEarlyDialog Returns the dialog context for the new early dialog.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HandleFlowConfigurationRequested
Protected method HandleForwardReceived
Protected method HandleMessageReceived Handle the message received on the call, returns true if call is handling the message.
Protected method HandleStateChange Protected method to indicate state change to derive call.
Protected method HandleTransferNotificationReceived
Protected method HandleTransferReceived A method must be implemented by the derived class to handle the transfer received event.
Public method IsSupportedMediaType Determines whether 'mediaType' is one of the supported media types.
Protected method MakeCallback Invokes a specified call using the application's queue for the events.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ProcessIncomingInviteHeaders Check the interesting headers for the call and initialize the needed call properties.
Protected method RaiseEvent<(Of <<'(TEventArg>)>>) Raises a generic event with a specific event argument type.
Protected method SendProvisionalResponse Sends a provisional response synchronously.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnbindMediaProvider Remove the bound media provider currently bound.



  Name Description
Public event ConversationChanged Raised when this call is moved to a derived conversation.
Public event InfoReceived Raised when an INFO message is received on this call.
Public event ProvisionalResponseReceived Raised when a provisional response is received for the outgoing INVITE.
Public event RemoteParticipantChanged Raised when the remote participant that accepted this call cannot be verified as matching the original participant invited.
Public event StateChanged Raised when the state of the call changes.


See Also


Call Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace