calendarData (cd) Namespace

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The Enhanced Presence elements in the calendarData(cd) namespace are used to specify calendar data and are defined in the calendarData.xsd schema file. The calendar data uses the data types defined in the ExchangeServices("") namespace and the specification of the ExchangeServices data types can be found in the calendarDataTypes.xsd file. The namespace URL and the prefix are defined as follows:


In This Section

This namespace contains the following Enhanced Presence elements.




cd:freeBusy Element

See Also


alerts (al) Namespace

contactCard (cc) Namespace

device (de) Namespace

ExchangeServices (xt) Namespaces

note (nt) Namespace

otherOptions (oo) Namespace

rccOptions (ro) Namespace

service (se) Namespace

state (st) Namespace

userInformation (ui) Namespace

userProperties (up) Namespace