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Code Listing: Programming Sign-in Function

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In the following example from a Microsoft Windows form-based client application, a user is permitted to sign in to a specified Microsoft Office Communications Server using specified server signaling settings. The example implements code from Creating and Initializing a Platform Object, Create a Principal Endpoint, Configure Server Signaling Settings, and Enable an Endpoint.

public class ClientPlatformManager : _IUccPlatformEvents,

    // Declare platform and endpoint interface instances.
    internal UccPlatform apiPlatform;
    internal IUccEndpoint apiEndpoint;
    internal IUccPublicationManager myPubManager;
    internal IUccSessionManager mySessionManager;
    internal IUccConferenceManager myConferenceMgr;
    internal IUccSessionManager mySessionManager;
    internal IUccEndpoint _telEndpoint;

    // Enumerator for servers collection returned in OnFindServer callback.
    IEnumerator servers = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Public method called to sign a local user in to an instance of
        /// Office Communications Server
        /// </summary>
        public void SignIn()
            // Create client platform singleton ctxt);.
            apiPlatform = new UccPlatformClass();

            // Advise for platform events.

            UccContext ctxt = new UccContextClass();
            ctxt.AddNamedProperty("Platform Name", "sampleUCCPClient");
            apiPlatform.Initialize("MyUccpClient", ctxt)

            // Create the SIP endpoint and advise for endpoint events.
            apiEndpoint = apiPlatform.CreateEndpoint(

            // Advise for endpoint events.
            // Query Interface (QI)IUccServerSignalingSettings from endpoint
            // and configure server settings.
            IUccServerSignalingSettings serverSignalingSettings = apiEndpoint as IUccServerSignalingSettings;
            if (serverSignalingSettings != null)
                // Advise for server signaling settings events.
                serverSignalingSettings.FindServer("", null);


        void _IUccServerSignalingSettingsEvents.OnFindServer(
            IUccEndpoint pEventSource,
            UccFindServerEvent pFindServerEventData)
            IUccServerSignalingSettings serverSignalingSettings = pEventSource as IUccServerSignalingSettings;

            if (pFindServerEventData.IsComplete)
                if (pFindServerEventData.SignalingServers.Count > 0)
                    // Instantiate declared IEnumerator with collection of servers.
                    this.servers = pFindServerEventData.SignalingServers.GetEnumerator();

                    // Iterate on collection and set Server property to first server in collection.
                    foreach (IUccSignalingServer ss in pFindServerEventData.SignalingServers)
                        serverSignalingSettings.Server = ss;
                    // Enable the endpoint to sign in.
                    MessageBox.Show("An Office Communications Server instance was not found. Sign in will end","Sign In Error");

    /// <summary>
    /// Endpoint disable event handler unadvises for endpoint advisement,
    /// de-references IUccEndpoint instance, and shuts down platform
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pEventSource">disabled endpoint instance</param>
    /// <param name="pEventData">operation progress event</param>
    void _IUccEndpointEvents.OnDisable(
        IUccEndpoint pEventSource,
        IUccOperationProgressEvent pEventData
           string eURI = pEventSource.Uri.Value;

           if (pEventData.IsComplete && pEventData.StatusCode >=0)

                UCC_Unadvise<_IUccEndpointEvents>(pEventSource, this);

                if (this._telEndpoint != null)
                    UCC_Unadvise<_IUccEndpointEvents>(this._telEndpoint, this);

                // Sign out completed.
                pEventSource = null;

                // Shut down the platform.
                if (this.apiPlatform!= null)
                    this._platformInitialized = false;
        catch (COMException e)
               "On Endpoint Disable: COM Exception. " + 

    void _IUccEndpointEvents.OnEnable(
        IUccEndpoint pEventSource,
        IUccOperationProgressEvent pEventData)
            if (pEventData.IsComplete )
                if (pEventData.StatusCode >= 0)
                    // Sign in succeeded. Proceed with subscription and publication.

                    // Get subscription manager role from endpoint.
                    this.mySubscriptionMgr = pEventSource as IUccSubscriptionManager;

                    // Get publication manager role from endpoint.
                    this.myPubManager = pEventSource as IUccPublicationManager;

                    // Advise publication manager instance of this class as endpoint sink.
                    UCC_Advise<_IUccPublicationManagerEvents>(this.myPubManager, this);

                    // Get Media Endpoint Settings object from active endpoint.
                    IUccMediaEndpointSettings _mediaEndpointSettings = pEventSource as IUccMediaEndpointSettings;

                    // Create a session manager object to handle session related functionality and events.
                    this.mySessionManager = pEventSource as IUccSessionManager;

                    // Advise session manager instance of this class as endpoint sink.
                    UCC_Advise<_IUccSessionManagerEvents>(this.mySessionManager, this);

                    //Get conference manager role from endpoint.
                    this._confManager = _endpoint as IUccConferenceManager;


                    // The OnEnable callback is the best place to trigger application logic that creates self-subscriptions
                    // for the local user's contact list and server configuration. The client should publish the user's presence
                    // status at this time too.
                    // Self-subscription requires many steps and is best handled by a helper method called from OnEnable.
                    // Publication should be handled by a separate helper function called from OnEnable.
                    // Both of these helper methods use the role specific interfaces obtained in OnEnable.

                    // Sign in failed.
                    // The current server in the server collection returned with OnFindServers 
                    // did not accept the endpoint registration (Enable). The next server in the collection
                    // is tried. 

                    // Initial Boolean flag for server found?
                    bool nextAvailable = false;
                    // Declare new instance of server signaling settings interface.
                    IUccServerSignalingSettings serverSignalingSettings = null;

                    // If OnFindServer returned collection of servers and IEnumerator for collection
                    //is not null
                    if (this.servers != null)
                        // Initialize server signaling settings by casting from endpoint instance.
                        serverSignalingSettings = this._endpoint as IUccServerSignalingSettings;

                        // Get the next server in the servers IEnumerator instance.
                        nextAvailable = this.servers.MoveNext();

                    // If next server was found
                    if (nextAvailable)
                        // Set found server as property value of server signaling settings and enable.
                        serverSignalingSettings.Server = this.servers.Current as IUccSignalingServer;
                    else if (this.servers != null)
                        // Last server in collection was attempted and failed.
                        if (MessageBox.Show("Sign in again? ", "Invalid Credentials", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry)
                            // Ask user for credentials again.

                           // getCredentials is an application modal dialog that presents a user with three text boxes. The
                           // user is challenged for user name, password, and domain. The values entered are available as public
                           // string properties (UserName, Password, Domain). If the user enters all three values and closes the dialog using
                           // the OK button, the DialogResult returned is DialogResult.OK. Otherwise, the user has not chosen to 
                           // attempt to sign in again.
                           // A custom client application can implement this functionality any way but with the single restriction that
                           // the method chosen must return the three string values.
                           //   NOTE: getCredentials is not an API. A custom client using this code example must create getCredentials 
                           //        in the current project to compile this example.

                            getCredentials askForCreds = new getCredentials(); 

                           if (askForCreds.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)

                                // Reset enumerator to top of collection.

                                // Get first server.
                                nextAvailable = this.servers.MoveNext();

                                // If a server was found.
                                if (nextAvailable)
                                    // Set found server as property value of server signaling settings and enable.
                                    serverSignalingSettings.Server = this.servers.Current as IUccSignalingServer;

                                    // Update credential cache with new credentials. This involves:
                                    //   Getting the existing credential for the realm.
                                    //   Removing the credential.
                                    //   Creating a new credential based on the new sign-in values supplied by the local user.
                                    //   Setting the new credential as the active credential for the next Enable().

                                    // Declare new credential to receive user name and password.
                                    UccCredential thisCredential = null;

                                    // Get existing credential based on realm.
                                    if (serverSignalingSettings.CredentialCache.TryGetCredential("*", out thisCredential))

                                        // Remove the existing credential.

                                        // Create a new credential with new user name and password.
                                        UccCredential newCredential = null;
                                        newCredential = serverSignalingSettings.CredentialCache.CreateCredential(

                                        // Set the new credential into credential cache.
                                        serverSignalingSettings.CredentialCache.SetCredential("*", newCredential);

                                        // Enable the endpoint.

                                MessageBox.Show("Sign-in Failed");

                            MessageBox.Show("Sign-in Failed");


                // Sign in failed. Make the endpoint null.
                pEventSource = null;
        catch (COMException ex)
            throw ex;

See Also


Creating and Initializing a Platform Object
Create a Principal Endpoint