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Gets the status of a Live Meeting account.

public Status GetAccountStatus(string windowsId,
                         out string lmUserId,
                         out string name,
                         out string role)



Specifies the Windows identity of the user that is to be deleted.


Returns the user's Live Meeting user ID.


Returns the user's Live Meeting name.


Returns the user's Live Meeting role: Administrator, Organizer, or Member.

Return Values




The Windows user specified in the call has a Live Meeting account and is entitled to have it. This outcome indicates that the Web method found an existing Live Meeting account for the user who is specified in the Web Method Call Return Values.


The Windows user specified in the call has a Live Meeting account but is no longer entitled to have it based on that user's current Active Directory group membership. This outcome indicates that the Web method found an existing Live Meeting account for the user who is specified in the Web method call.


The Windows user specified in the call does not have a Live Meeting account but is entitled to have one. This outcome indicates that the Web method did not find a Live Meeting account for the user who is specified in the Web method call.


The Windows user specified in the call does not have a Live Meeting account and is not entitled to have one. This outcome indicates that the Web method did not find a Live Meeting account for the user who is specified in the Web method call.


The windowsId parameter could not be found in the directory service. Because the Web method could not find the Windows user who is specified in Active Directory, it could not determine the user's Live Meeting account identifier.


The caller is not authorized to invoke Portal Web methods because that caller is not a member of the Portal WebMethodCallers directory group.


The Portal administrator has disabled Web method calls.


The GetAccountStatus Web method functions as follows:

  1. The caller invokes the Web method specifying the Windows identity of the user for whom the Live Meeting account information is to be obtained.

  2. IIS authenticates the caller using integrated Windows authentication.

  3. The Portal does the following:

    • Verifies that Web method calls are enabled. If not, it returns WebMethodCallsDisabled.

    • Verifies that the caller is a member of a Windows security group listed in Web method callers. If not, it returns Unauthorized.

    • Calls Active Directory to retrieve the attributes for the user whose windowsId was specified in the call. If the user cannot be found in Active Directory, it returns NotInDirectory.

    • Calls the Live Meeting GetUser XML API to retrieve the user's Live Meeting account information. It returns NoAccount_Entitled, HasAccount_Entitled, NoAccount_NotEntitled, or HasAccount_NotEntitled as appropriate along with the lmUserId, name, and role of the user.


LMWebService lmWebService = new LMWebService();
lmWebService.Url = "https://localhost/LMPortal/LMWebService.asmx";
lmWebService.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

string lmUserId;
string name;
string role;
string windowsId = @"contoso\bill";

Status outcome = lmWebService.GetAccountStatus(windowsId, out lmUserId, out name, out role);
if ((outcome == Status.HasAccount_Entitled) |
    (outcome == Status.HasAccount_NotEntitled) |
    (outcome == Status.NoAccount_Entitled) |
    (outcome == Status.NoAccount_NotEntitled))
   Console.WriteLine("Account status obtained for user " + windowsId);
   Console.WriteLine("Status " + outcome);
   Console.WriteLine("lmUserId: " + lmUserId);
   Console.WriteLine("name: " + name);
   Console.WriteLine("role: " + role);
   Console.WriteLine("Account status not obtained for user " + windowsId +
                     " due to error " + outcome);

See Also


Getting the Account Status