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ButtonFace Cell (Smart Tags Section) [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Contains the ID of the button face image that appears on the smart tag button.


The string contained in the ButtonFace cell represents the ID of a Microsoft Office button face image. A value of 0 (zero) or blank defaults to the standard smart tag "i" info button Button image.

The IDs that can be used in the ButtonFace cell are the same as the IDs used with the FaceID property of a CommandBarButton object. For more details about these IDs, search for "working with command bar button images" on MSDN.

To reference the ButtonFace cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the CellsU property, use:

Cell name:
where is the name of the smart tag row

To reference the ButtonFace cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:

Section index:


Row index:

visRowSmartTag + i
where i = 0, 1, 2...

Cell index:
