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BoxStylesEdit Method

Sets the style of boxes on the Network Diagram.


expression**.BoxStylesEdit(Style, DataTemplate, HorizontalGridlines, VerticalGridlines, BorderShape, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BackgroundColor, BackgroundPattern)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.


pjBoxCritical pjBoxNoncritical
pjBoxCriticalExternalTask pjBoxNoncriticalExternalTask
pjBoxCriticalInsertedProject pjBoxNoncriticalInsertedProject
pjBoxCriticalMarked pjBoxNoncriticalMarked
pjBoxCriticalMilestone pjBoxNoncriticalMilestone
pjBoxCriticalSummary pjBoxNoncriticalSummary
pjBoxHighlightedTasks pjBoxProjectSummaryTask

DataTemplate    Optional String. The name of the data template to use for the style.

HorizontalGridlines    Optional Boolean. True if horizontal gridlines separate each row in the box.

VerticalGridlines    Optional Boolean. True if vertical gridlines separate each row in the box.


pjBoxCapsule pjBoxRightParallelogram
pjBoxDownTrapezoid pjBoxRoundedRectangle
pjBoxLeftParallelogram pjBoxUpTrapezoid
pjBoxPointedEnds pjBoxWideRectangle
pjBoxRectangle pjBoxWideRoundedRectangle


pjColorAutomatic pjNavy
pjAqua pjOlive
pjBlack pjPurple
pjBlue pjRed
pjFuchsia pjSilver
pjGray pjTeal
pjGreen pjYellow
pjLime pjWhite

BorderWidth    Optional Long. A value from 1 through 4 that specifies the width of the box border, in pixels.

BackgroundColor    Optional Long. The color of the box background. Can be one of the PjColor constants.


pjBackgroundDarkDiagonalLeft pjBackgroundLightDither
pjBackgroundDarkDiagonalRight pjBackgroundLightFill
pjBackgroundDarkDither pjBackgroundMediumDither
pjBackgroundDarkFill pjBackgroundMediumFill
pjBackgroundDiagonalLeft pjBackgroundMediumVerticalStripe
pjBackgroundDiagonalRight pjBackgroundSolidFill
pjBackgroundHollow pjBackgroundThinVerticalStripe


To display the Box Styles dialog box, use the BarBoxStyles method.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | BarBoxFormat Method | BarBoxStyles Method | BoxCellEdit Method | BoxFormat Method | BoxLayout Method