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CalendarBarStylesEdit Method

Changes the style of a bar in the Calendar.


expression**.CalendarBarStylesEdit(Item, Bar, Pattern, Color, Align, Wrap, Shadow, Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, SplitPattern)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Item    Required Long. The calendar bar to edit. Can be one of the following PjBarItem constants: pjBarNonCritical, pjBarCritical, pjBarSummary, pjBarMilestone, pjBarMarked, pjBarHighlighted, pjBarProjectSummary, or pjBarExternalTask.

Bar    Optional Long. The bar type. Can be one of the following PjCalendarBarType constants: pjNormalBar, pjLineBar, or pjNoBar.


pjDarkFillPattern pjLineCrossPattern
pjDiagonalCrossPattern pjLineHorizontalPattern
pjDiagonalLeftPattern pjLineVerticalPattern
pjDiagonalRightPattern pjMediumFillPattern
pjHollowPattern pjSolidFillPattern


pjColorAutomatic pjNavy
pjAqua pjOlive
pjBlack pjPurple
pjBlue pjRed
pjFuchsia pjSilver
pjGray pjTeal
pjGreen pjYellow
pjLime pjWhite

Align    Optional Long. The justification of text in the bar. Can be one of the following PjAlignment constants: pjLeft, pjCenter, or pjRight.

Wrap    Optional Boolean. True if Project wraps text in the bar.

Shadow    Optional Boolean. True if the bar has a shadow.

Field1    Optional String. The first field to display in the bar.

Field2    Optional String. The second field to display in the bar.

Field3    Optional String. The third field to display in the bar.

Field4    Optional String. The fourth field to display in the bar.

Field5    Optional String. The fifth field to display in the bar.

SplitPattern    Optional Long. The line pattern used to display split tasks. Can be one of the following PjLineType constants: pjNoLines, pjDash, pjCloseDot, pjContinuous, or pjDot.


Specifying a value for any of Field1 through Field5 requires that any preceding Field arguments also be specified. For example, specifying Field3 also requires Field1 and Field2.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | BarBoxStyles Method | CalendarBarStyles Method | CalendarBestFitWeekHeight Method | CalendarDateBoxes Method | CalendarDateShading Method | CalendarDateShadingEdit Method | CalendarTaskList Method | CalendarTimescale Method | CalendarWeekHeadings Method